You see...God has done the MOST amazing thing....He has ALLOWED me to ACTUALLY SEE what answered prayers look like.....

I've learned so much recently about our adoption and JUST HOW much God was in EVERY single detail...every single bump in the road.....Sometimes it is SO BIG that i can't even wrap my little brain around it all. And, after much prayer over returning to Africa....God showed me that I was SUPPOSE to be on this upcoming trip...and as detail after detail of this trip gets underway...I'm once again blown away by the way God is using my life!!! After all...this is HIS life....and I'm just trying to obey and follow His command!!! So...what I've learned is: It's NOT a joke or a trend to adopt....Feeling the overwhelming burden for the orphaned child is NOT something placed there by YOUR OWN EMOTIONS ALONE....It goes so much deeper than that....When someone walks up and says, "are you just adopting to be like the stars?" Actually, that's offensive...cause we're talking about a LIFE here...a REAL human life that WAS PRAYED FOR OVER and OVER...TIME AND TIME AGAIN by a family, by a young mother ACROSS the world...and God heard her cries....and you see...that ACHE you feel...KNOWING you are SUPPOSE to do AN ANSWERED PRAYER FOR SOMEONE...SOMEWHERE.....I've just recently learned HOW TRUE THAT REALLY IS....
**Tomorrow night I'll start with HOW EVERY BUMP and EVERY TWIST LED US TO HER...OUR LUCY LANE MARTHA!!

Can't wait to hear it! =)
ReplyDeleteKristi .... Your post was an answered prayer for me! Just last night I was asking God about my desire to adopt again, as a single mom with 3 kids already. I have been feeling lately like I have been trying to make it all happen and maybe it wasn't coming together is because wanting to adopt was just me! As I read your post God quickened my heart and made me realize ... there is no way on earth I would choose to do this in my own human self. There is NO WAY I could feel such a burden in my human self. That love and burden for the orphan HAS to come from God!
ReplyDeletethanks for your words and allowing God to work through you!
I really need to hear this right now, because we are having lots of bumps in our road to our girl. Thanks.
ReplyDeletethis is going to be GOOD!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. Looking foward to hearing the rest. Thank you for being open to God using you in spite of fears or hesitation of leaving your kids.
ReplyDeletecan't wait to read about it!
ReplyDeleteI know this to be true in my life as well.
ReplyDeleteIt IS God's plan, God's timing and His will.
I don't comment much...but your blog has meant so very much to me and my family over the past 2 years: one year spent researching adoption, one year approx in the process. We have our little Esther home (and we think she looks a bit like Lucy Lane...what do you think? :-) and like you, we ache to find what is next in God's plan, especially in relation to Ethiopia and orphans. Thank you for speaking so boldly about things that matter, when some of us (me!!) remain mostly silent for lack of words. Can't wait to hear your story...God's story.
ReplyDeletethank you for that reminder. I keep feeling the call to adopt again. Praying for God to speak it also to Jays who is not there yet. I think the fiancial burden of providing for more kids overwelms him now so praying for God to move in His heart too. I feel the burden on my heart for another child who has nothing to know Jesus's love and a families love! Excited to see what God will do in the next days and months!
Can't wait to hear your story.
ReplyDeleteAMEN! And can't wait to hear more about how God is using you, has used you, and is connecting it all together :)
ReplyDeleteI thank God all the time that He led ya'll to your sweet Lucy, and that He led me to your blog! What a precious ripple effect your adoption has had on so many other families just like ours!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this! Simply stated, but strong. What I needed to hear/read with our bumps. I know God uses it all to the one in the end. I'll call soon to catch you up! Take care! Praying for you and your trip. I'm so excited for you!