This is one of those times that I wish I could write like my Mom..or even like my sister kelly..who are BOTH talented writers in our fam....but my blog will certainly never be known for its TALENTED author...but i pray it IS known by the stories and miracles of God working in our life. Because God has certainly worked another MIRACLE in our life that has come to LIGHT most recently...... Here is the story of our Wes:
***You see...God had placed on my heart that we had a son all the way back to the time I came home with Lucy lane...I can't explain it but that I JUST KNEW!!! My husband thought 5 young kids was PLENTY..and who could blame him :)!! I prayed for my hubby's heart to change...and my kids prayed too!! It was their talking constantly about their baby brother (that didn't exist as far as they knew) and their putting an extra PUMPKIN out at Halloween, and even Hal adding him to EVERY kindergarten family picture he made all this past year. And, even the day after Thanksgiving, Hal hung an extra stocking for baby "wes" (as he called him) and TOLD DADDY TO COME AND LOOK!! Daddy's response: "I guess it's time I give up on 5 kids being it..huh??" :) I always tell Hal now..."You helped in YOUR OWN WAY to bring Wes home!" :)
**God answered my prayers by Daddy surprising me and sending me on a mission trip in December...Daddy gave me his blessing before I left that IF i came across a waiting child WITH NO FAMILY that he'd be open to #6...he felt a peace about it!! I would be visiting several orphanages with "waiting children" ....I had no idea what would happen as I packed up and flew across the world!!!
**On day ONE of our trip..I not only met my daughter's birth family which goes down as one of the most amazing experiences EVER.....but I traveled further down the road...something like 7 or 8 hours outside the city......and there he was:

**But ONE thing I noticed right away from his freshly shaven head...was the fact that his head was "misshapen" !! Everyone on our trip noticed it right away too. He had funny lumps and strange flat just "wasnt' right"!! A nanny that spoke English tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Something is wrong with his head!" I said, "yes, i know!"
I spent two days in this particular orphanage!! As I learned he was at least 12 months old...and considered special needs for several became very clear that he met no one's criteria on the wait list. He was a WAITING CHILD!! I had to sit him down out of my arms at one point to assist with another child..and he literally PULLED himself back across the floor to my legs "moaning" the entire way literally HURT for him to move...BUT he was going to get back to me!! The nanny said, " he already likes you"!! I answered, " yes, because he's my son!" AND...I KNEW HE WAS MINE....
Handing him back over was painful...but I just wanted to get back home quickly to get the ball rolling with this little guy!! But before I left there was an American dr. passing through and I stopped her and asked her IF she'd take a look at this baby in my arms....I asked her immediately WHAT she thought was wrong with his head...She made an awful face and started throwing out ALL these awful diseases that could be causing his head to be misshapen!! I'm sure my eyes grew WIDE...but again, a peace came over me..and I KNEW it didn't matter...he was my son!!
I have no explanation for the next steps in our adoption besides the fact that I prayed around the clock for my son's survival..and things were moving quickly!! I had friend's visit my Wes while they were in country....and the reports were usually that of FEAR that he wouldn't survive..he was TOO malnourished!! 

My son couldn't drink from a bottle...friends and family would report that he seemed "slow" when they met him....his body couldn't accept he was hospitalized where he was given Unicef's life saving formula for infants and children that are basically dying!! It was then, from my understanding, that he started to turn around....

He started growing hair and we worried LESS about his head and more just about the fact that he was beating the odds and starting to grow!! My agency, CCI, was wonderful with updates and kept us in the KNOW on everything...every step of the way!!

I couldn't understand WHY my adoption was going so quickly....and smoothly...but everyone kept saying, " God wants this boy HOME!!" AND HE DID....
** he CAME HOME....4 1/2 months after meeting him....He was in my arms again....and HEADED HOME:
He didn't even look like the same boy I had left in December....It felt like a miracle AGAIN!! How did this happen? How am I so blessed that I got a "short' and "fast" adoption this time around!! The only thing i knew to do was to KEEP THANKING GOD!!!
**I knew once we got him home...we'd address the " head" issues right away.....and we did...immediately!! We prayed that he might just get a helmet...or maybe since he was too old he would just have to LIVE with his "misshapen" head...but only a CT scan would be able to tell us WHY his head was "continuing" to look "misshapen"!!
In the mean time....our sweet Wes has been growing and changing each and every day since being home.....And, he's certainly ALWAYS getting lots of attention:

He's certainly not packing the pounds on very quickly...but he's on a specialized formula with extra junk in it to HELP him get what he needs.....And...He's not "slow"..he's quite smart actually...he just needed a family...

As Xrays showed his rickets to be also showed the "signs" of severe malnutrition in his bones....his history is still there whether we like it or not....but again, he's improving so that's all the drs care about.....

Finally, last Thursday we went for his CT scan....assuming we'd probably end up with some type of helmet for his head...or something along those lines.....We were meeting with the Head Specialist today (wednesday) to discuss the results from the CT scan...BUT my pediatrician went ahead and called yesterday to let me know that he had the report in hand...and he wanted me to be prepared for my dr. appt today....

The CT scan revealed that my son has a birth defect called something like is where the sutures on your skull FUSE shut prematurely and basically your brain has no where to grow....these sutures should be OPEN!! Wes's are closed...resulting in his brain growing out his forehead!! A pretty intense surgery is his ONLY OPTION!! My pediatrician told me yesterday about it on the phone..and the specialist/surgeon confirmed it all today and went over the details of the surgery!! Yes, it was slightly shocking to hear...but even more than that IS THE MIRACLE THAT MY SON IS HERE...NOW....AND ABLE TO GET THIS SURGERY!! In a third world country, my son would have died from this defect. It would have grossly deformed his face..and eventually taken his life!! The MIRACLE is: my son needs surgery NOW...HE is HOME NOW!! Most adoptions can take a year OR MORE...and yet mine took only 4 months....God KNEW HE NEEDED HEALING...HIS TIMING IS ALWAYS PERFECT!!
His surgery is already will be on July 26th!! NOTE: Surgery has been rescheduled for August 16th!!!! UPDATE: Surgery was moved up and completed on July 14th, 2011!! The surgery will take 6 to 8 hours..and we'll be in the hospital for a week afterwards for healing!! Then 3 more weeks of "inactiveness" to allow the head to heal!! The details and risks just went on and on as the specialist talked!! I started to feel like i was hearing the Charlie Brown teacher was just all blending together!! He showed me the 3D CT scan which clearly showed the problem...and I just sat there in an amazed shock!! Shock that my son is ABLE to get this surgery.....what if there was NO adoption...I can't bare to think of WHAT my son's future would have looked like!!
I got home and told my husband....HOW can people NOT believe in God...How is it that I was in that remote orphanage WHEN i was...that God gave me PEACE and clearly told me HE WAS MY SON...and miraculously, 4 months later he is home and his birth defect is FOUND and surgery is already scheduled!!! God is certainly in EVERY detail!!
** I certainly feel in my heart that God worked through my agency to get our son home....I'll be forever grateful to them for saving my son's life....They NOT only brought him back from the lowest points of starvation...but they were able to get him home in time to receive a surgery he couldn't have survived with out!!! Yes, i'm nervous...I'm sick that my son will have to face such pain...I'm petrified that he'll have to go through such a surgery at such a young age....but I KNOW WE HAVE NO CHOICE!! If God brought him this far...I know he'll see him through!!!
**So there you have it...We're going to try to make the best of the summer we have before surgery...The kids know they won't be able to "carry" him around after surgery...and we'll have to come up with some plan to be SUPER careful once Wes is back home...Yes, that makes me nervous too!!!! We're going to get some family pics made before then too....we're going to hit a few fun mini vacation spots and attempt to live it up before surgery!!
***We SOOOO appreciate your prayers for a successful and SAFE surgery!! I want those drs covered in prayer and the whole world praying for my boy!! Cause...we LOVE HIM!!! We love him more than words can say!! He's MY BABY....HE'S MY SON!!!! All Glory be to God!!! Happy Thursday to you all, kj
Well, you certainly did a fantastic job of writing, regardless of your opinion about not being a talented author. =) I am and will continue to pray for Wes, his medical team, and your family. Following your journey and sending my love.
ReplyDeleteWow. I don't even really know what to say to all of this information except that God is so good, and so in control. How blessed are you all to be able to see this incredible miracle first hand. What an incredible testimony your family has that will affect generations to come, will bring glory to God for generations to come! We serve such an awesome God!!
ReplyDeleteWill be praying for the surgery.
thanks so much for wes's update. Thanking & praising GOD that your little son is HOME and that his surgery is already scheduled. will be praying for your little fellow, for his doctors and all involved in his care.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing his story. It is beautiful and heartbreaking and a great testimony to the faithfulness of our God. Praying for peace as you await his surgery.
ReplyDeleteYou wrote the story of your little miracle so beautifully. Jesus loves His little Wes -that is evident! May God keep you all in His hands.
ReplyDeletePraise God that he is home and able to have this surgery. This is such a beautiful story of redemption. God has clearly ordained that this little guy be yours! What a blessing!
ReplyDeleteHi Kristi, we just got home from court where we stayed at the ETHIOPIA GUEST HOME with EVE:) I told her she was famous:)
ReplyDeleteWe arrived home from Ethiopia with so much to process and yesterday was a hard day of processing and missing my son of those days where it is hard to breath and also where I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with where God may call me in the future.
Now it is a new day and I started it by reading your post about Sweet Wes and I am thankful for this journey. I may not be ready for where it may lead, but I know God will prepare me in His time, so I fear not...I still may cry tears, but I will not fear!
Many prayers for your beautiful journey and Praise the Lord for brining Wes's forever family to him
Hugs and prayers to you! May God continue to bless your will be in our prayers. Your story is so inspirational as we wait for our daughter to join our family from India. She, too, has "medical issues" that made her a waiting child and we continue to pray for as we wait. The waiting is so hard. Reading about Wes helps us to see that once she's home...we can get through anything as a family. Thank you for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteThinking of your family!! Little Wes is in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story!! There are so many miracles in it! How can people not believe in God??? May God heal your boy and we are all thanking Him for making the path straight to bring Wes home!!!
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with Wes and the rest of your family.
ReplyDeleteKristi-my little brother was born with this same condition and had surgery at 8 weeks old. He had 48 stitches, from ear to ear. He is now 23 years old and has a beautifully shaped head =) Thought that might be an encouragement! We leave in 2 weeks to meet our little girl and we are beyond excited! I will pray for little Wes' quick healing.
ReplyDeleteTears flowing, but like you said, not because of this diagnosis, but rather that God in His incredibleness( it's a word today:) )knew that Wes belonged in your home from the beginning. I love hindsight, and being able to see God working so intimately in our hearts. Will be praying for Wes and all of you. Looking forward to hindsight and being able to look back and see all the pieces put together in our adoption journey. Thanks for sharing your story and being an encouragement.
ReplyDeleteI completely understand your mother's heart...praying for all of you. I will say that from my experience of being in and out of the hospital with our get the amazing opportunity to share your adoption story and your amazing FAITH!!! It's another way that God is already using his life. That's how I see my Kate...a little miracle that shines wherever she goes!! ;)
Much love to you all...praying.
I will continue to pray for your sweet baby boy and your family. It is so obvious that God's hand has been in your journey to your son since the beginning, when you returned returned home with Lucy. I feel like I know the outcome already. To God be the Glory.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your story!! Praise GOD Wes is home and going to get the medical attention he needs!!:) I'll be praying for all of the above and more:)!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. I'll be praying for your family and your sweet boy!
ReplyDeleteGlory to God! He had baby Wes in the palm of His hands the entire time. Praying for Wes and your entire family as you prepare for the surgery! God has an amazing plan for this sweet boy!
ReplyDeletePraying for your precious Wes!!!
ReplyDeletePraise God! I know your heart is aching for him, but like you said, He has brought him this far, and He always finishes the work He starts. My prayers are with you, sweet Wes, and the family. I am just so amazed at how God works through our willingness. Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteBut you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, THE ONE WHO LIFTS MY HEAD HIGH. I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. Psalm 3:3-5
Oh Kristi! How awesome is our God? He moves mountains. Will be praying for you and sweet little Wes. Thank you for sharing his story.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story. God is truly awesome! PRAYING! PRAYING! PRAYING!
ReplyDeleteKristi ~ Thanks for sharing! We'll continue to pray! My good friends little boy just had this SAME surgery 2 weeks ago. If you would like to speak with her and get a Mama's perspective on what to expect before, during and after surgery, I'm sure she would love to talk to you. She's a wonderful Christian gal and has a GREAT testimony about what happened during the time they were in the hospital. Let me know if you want her number :o)
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Denise
Thank you soooo much for sharing part of Wes' story.. and you're right, there's GOD written ALL OVER IT!! I actually know several families who had children with Craniosynostosis, and they all did really well with surgery.. and I'll be praying the same for Wes! Our daughter had a helmet.. and I remember how scary it was when they mentioned that this could be the case with her, as well. Fortunately, it wasn't.. but I will definitely be praying for strength for you, too, Kristi!
ReplyDeleteThank you God for getting Wes home so quickly. Wes and your family will be in my prayers.
ReplyDeletewow, this is absolutely amazing. Gods hand has been in every step. We will continue to pray for your little Wes. He is such a precious boy. Blessings to your family:)
Kristi- I have been so encouraged by your story. I am a PAP and have been on an emotional roller coaster with the closure of the country that I am trying to adopt from. I am not sure where God is leading me but reading your story just confirms that God ALWAYS has us in the palm of his hand. I will be praying for sweet baby Wes, binding his healing to the power of the Holy Spirit, binding the hands of the dr.s to power of the Holy Spirit and loosing, crushing, and tearing down the strongholds of any evil thing raised up against the healing of sweet baby Wes and this surgery! Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord! Thanks for sharing your story! - Kristen
ReplyDeleteTears, tears of joy that your son is home, tears of awe in how BIG OUR GOD IS, tears of knowing a momma's heart that aches for whats to come, but your so right God has gotten you this far with your precious boy & will continue to be with him. Many prayers sent your way.
ReplyDelete"I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13
I began following your story back in late February/ early March. So many posts brought me to tears thinking about the love for family and what this little boy has/is going though.
ReplyDeleteThis post turned on the water works, and the tears are flowing! It is amazing to see how God works! I will continue to pray for your family.
Thank God for his love, and his healing.
OH MY! I am truly at a loss of words, but feel I need to say some kind of word to you. How horrific and beautiful at the same time! I see God's fingerprints throughout your whole story and I'm just amazing by Him. What a miraculous journey He is taking you and your family on...and especially Wes!!!! Oh how I worship our God for His faithfulness and power! Prayers are with your family!
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands!" This song just popped into my head as I read your post! God is so amazing...and He is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we ask or think!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHave fun in the days before the surgery...and then rest in the Lord. Those "Capable Hands" that hold the world... are in control!
You have already experienced miracles...and I can't help but feel more are on their way. Just keep giving God the glory!
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. May God surround you with strength, comfort and peace throughout this time, and may He also completely heal little Wes!! God is so good!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to let you know that I find your story remarkable. Today I have been touched by two stories of adoptions. I have linked to this post through my blog. (also stole a picture of wes- but did link it back to here as well, hope that's ok with you)
ReplyDeleteWow! Praise God! Thank you for sharing. I am praying for Wes and your family.
ReplyDeletePRAYING in Wisconsin!!!! I will be sharing your story and getting many of my prayer warrior friends on board to pray for Wes! Your story has alway seemed so full of God...what a true miracle that he is home with you and your loving family!!!! Thanks again for sharing your heart. You continue to teach me about more than just adoption...
ReplyDeleteVery well written post! :)
ReplyDeleteOur prayers are with you and your family as you prepare for another life journey pre and post surgery. God will carry all 8 of you through!
So grateful that Wes is in your arms and has a family!! What a miracle! One of my good friend's son had craniosyntosis and she kept a blog as they were going through treatment. She doesn't really post anymore because he is doing great but I thought you might want to look through her archives and read about their journey. You know in all the free time you have with 6kids! :) HA! Here is the blog address:
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing his story. :) Wow--what an AMAZING God! We will definitely be praying for you--for his surgery, for having special family times together and for healing little Wes. :)
ReplyDeletePrayers for Wes and for your whole family. What an amazing God we serve that He would rescue your little boy and place him with you - a family who loves him so much and is willing and able to get him what he needs to not only survive but thrive. God obviously has special plans for him! I know many will tell you how "lucky" Wes is to have you - and since I don't believe in luck, I will agree that he is blessed to have you. BUT, as the mom of an adopted little boy with some "special" issues, I know that you hate hearing how lucky he is to have you, because you know that you are so so blessed to have HIM!! I just always say that we are blessed to have found each other and God is awesome to have orchestrated it! I'm sure you will agree! Wes was "prayed home" in four months and I am positive he will be prayed through this surgery with the same amazing outcome! Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! That is so tough. You and your family are in my thoughts and I wish you all the best!
You are amazing! I wanted to let you know about my charitable program for kids with Craniosynostosis called: Avery's Angel Network. Go to: I would LOVE to have your precious boy as one of our Cranio Angels :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful family you have!! I just wavered to pop in to say I have 5 yr old twins with Craniosynostosis. It is a hard thing to swallow when you hear, but it is fixable!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat type of cranio does he have?
I would love to help in anyway I can. Please feel free to email me at if you need to "vent". It's always nice to chat with someone who has been there!
Hang in there mama!
Praise God and thank yo so much for sharing. I will be praying for your dear son! Cara from PA
ReplyDeleteDear Kristi:
ReplyDeleteI have tears in my eyes listening to this story. We will be praying here in Lisbon, Portugal for your little brave baby. May God shine His loving light on your whole family.
Wow, Kristi, thank you for sharing his beautiful story. Yes, you can see God's hands all over it! Will be praying for sweet Wes and his upcoming surgery!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine what is going on in your heart. As a mom there is NEVER a good that involves any risk is huge. BUT I am seeking to PRAISE GOD for the MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!! As you pointed out Wes was definitely your son- no doubts there!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!! No doubt God has brought Wes to you now for this important part of his testimony! PRAYING now and continually through the surgery that everything will be done through the Spirit!!!!!!!!!!! Praying for you and your husband's hearts and your children's hearts too!!! That God would continue to give you peace and build up a prayer warrior group to support you- I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God CAN and WILL WORK THROUGH THIS AMAZING STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour story gave me the chills. And - it made me click "send" to inquire about a waiting child even though our homestudy is just shy of being finished.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you do, you are such an example to us all.
Oh honey! My heart is just all over the map after reading this--joy and tears all at the same time--but thank goodness our GOD isn't all over the map. He's UNCHANGING. You are absolutely right about believing God's timing for all of this and you have a world of people praying, laying Wes at the Father's feet for healing. I can't help but think of when Jesus brushed everything else aside and told His disciples to let the little children come to Him. He truly cares and has been watching over sweet Wes since day one. And yes, He saw him this far and will continue to see him through! Adding this to my daily prayer time.
ReplyDeleteHugs from across the miles (even though we've never met)
Oh Kristi ~ Our littlest foster son just had a CT scan two weeks ago to rule out craniosynostosis. I just got a call yesterday with the results and our little man is all clear & it seems it is just a bit of malformation of his head so we may be getting him a helmet. (Since the time I sent you those cloth diapers we took in premature twins born drug addicted at 33 weeks who we were told right off the bat that we would be able to adopt) I did a lot of research on the condition and oddly I had a great peace about it, too. I just thought to myself "If he needs this surgery, he'll get it!". Are you going to Chattanooga, TN? I was told there is a specialist there who is the best this side of the country. And your Wes will be having this surgery on my River's 6th birthday so we'll remember to pray for him! SO glad that little guy is home!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He is an on time God. Ill keep your little guy and your family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'll be praying for your precious little boy from Italy,I've been following you since Lucy Lane got home and I really feel like a friend of yours.I love your family and Wes' story moves just like you inspired me.Ever since i watched your Gotcha day video for LL,i started to feel something growing in my heart and I can't wait to get older and married to adopt.You litterally changed my life.
ReplyDeletep.s. Maybe a story line of Wes' adoption next to Lucy Lane's down below could be useful to the readers.
Btw a little boy's missing from the "How old are my 5 (6) kiddos?" section with those super cute drawnings from Lilypie.I think it's about time to update it :)
Hugs from across the word.
Kristi! Wow! That was beautifully written! God is all over this boy's life! What a miracle that he is home and able to get this crucial surgery. We will be lifting your whole family up in prayer during this journey. Sweet Wes is going to have quite the story of God's faithfulness working in his life! So thankful there is a surgery that has proven to be successful to help him in this condition. A verse the Lord has used many times over in my life (especially during our daughter's NICU stay of several months and other challenges we've faced with our kiddos) is Proverbs 19:21.....
ReplyDeleteMany are our plans but it is "HIS purpose that prevails!!" Much love to your family!
Jenny C.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through a friend who follows your story. She told me to take a look since my daughter had surgery for Craniosynostosis when she was 3 months old. She was Dx'd at 8 weeks with premature closure of her sagittal suture - which sounds like your son Wes. Her brain had no where to grown except forward, leaving her forehead embossed & long like a football (for lack of a better description).
God willing with lots of prayers and support from family and friends, and an amazing team of doctors and neurosurgeon's she did beautifully through her surgery.
She is now a healthy and happy 6 yr.
Our Neurosurgeon has asked us several times to speak with parents who have children that are facing the same surgery. He felt that we handled it well and calmly. We also taught him and his team a few things too that have changed some of the hospital procedures. Mostly regarding blood donation prior to the surgery (if a family or friend will being doing so).
One huge thing that we weren't told about is proper aftercare of the stitches. Which has left up to a 1/2 - 1" wide scar on my daughter's head where no hair grows. She will have to have a scar revision now within the next 1-2 yrs.
Recovery was pretty easy. She wasn't in pain, but wasn't comfortable with the swelling as she couldn't see for 3 days. By 5 days post op she was acting the same as before the surgery!
If you would like to chat about what to expect and hear more of our story, I would be happy to share it with you. You can reach me at
All the best to Wes and your entire family.
God Bless
Praying from Wisconsin!
ReplyDeleteBrings me to tears to see God's hand over your little man's life. Keep us informed and you know we'll be praying you through this!!!
ReplyDeleteOh I share your heart! And I will be praying for Wes! Our adoption with Kevin was quick also and I know it was because of his life-threatening sn and it went quick even with a bunch of HAGUE regulations that usually slow down the process! ONLY GOD!
ReplyDeletePraying that the surgery will be successful with NO complications! Praying for all of your hearts as you prepare for surgery day....
Hugs from another momma whose grateful God saved her son too!
Hi Kristi...
ReplyDeleteThank you SO MUCH for sharing Westall's story with us all. I am sorry that you all have to go through this, but I also rejoice, knowing that GOD placed him in your home, and in your beautiful country, that does these surgeries! Please keep us all informed!! He will have lots of love and support from your family, and friends. I have been following your blog for almost as long as you've had Lucy. She is my inspiration to adopt, Sadly, we will never be able to, but I still love to read your story:) I just looked at LL's Gotcha Day Vid, and her one year vid..and both so precious.
April (from the heart of B.C, Canada)
Praying for you sweet baby boy! Praising God that he is home, in his Mommy and Daddy's arms at the perfect time, getting all the LOVE and now medical attention that he needed!
ReplyDeleteKristi, my cousin's daughter had that same condition... but much much more severe... she came out of the womb with a bulging forehead... it was very very serious. If you would like to talk to my cousin, she contacts families going through this and walks beside them. Contact me if you would like...
ReplyDeleteShe is a very healthy and happy girl now. No complications or issues at all.
Kristi, this was beautifully written! You're right, God is in every detail, and we will certainly join you in covering Wes, the surgeons, nurses, and every person that comes into contact with him in prayer. God is our Great Physician and Healer and He will divinely take care of Wes just as He has through this entire journey. Bless you, my friend. God is good and in the miracle working business indeed :) Tara
ReplyDeleteI am praying ~ in FULL FAITH and BELIEF! ~ that what God has started in your sweet little boy and family, is only the beginning! I believe He has GREAT plans for Wes and for you! God will be glorified to the WORLD in this sweet son of your's life!!! Praising God with you and praying! May God guide the surgeon's eyes to see things as He wants them to see. May He guide their minds to find the best route in surgery. May He steady the hands of the surgeon. And may we ALL remember who is the ALMIGHTY SURGEON!!!!! God so has this in the palm of His hand!!! Praying peace over all of you and miraculous healing for your son!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you all so dearly! We're praying for all of you! Hugs! Michelle
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog! I just wanted to tell you that we have some very good friends who have a son that had this surgery about 4 years ago. He recovered wonderfully and now you would never even know that anything was wrong. Good luck and we will be praying for Wes.
ReplyDeleteWow Kristi: I am just reading this today and I love God's faithfulness and hand in the life of your son. What a miracle that you found him and I remember thinking your adoption was moving fast. Now it is so clear that God wanted that little peanut home to be in your family and your arms before during and after his surgery. He is fighter and know that we will all be praying for your whole clan and most especially dear Wes! Love and hugs to you. You are a dear sweet Mama Kristi!
ReplyDeleteI am marking my calendar for July 26th - and I will remind my other friends whose heart is "in" adoption - although all our hearts are adopted! - and we will be praying for Wes, for his doctors, for his nurses, for his mom & dad as they wait that long time, and for all his brothers & sisters!! God is Good ALL the time - and He certainly Knows!! so happy I got to read your blog.
ReplyDeleteOh, Kristi. You know with our adoption taking WAAAAAAY longer than we thought it would, I've had a bit of a discouraging week. This just reminds me that it is all GOD'S timing!! Be it slow or fast!!
ReplyDeleteDear Lord, please heal this child you so obviously have big plans for!! For your glory!! Amen!!
Your blog was just one I "randomly" found one day. My husband and I know adoption is in our future. Praying for your sweet baby boy and every person who will help treat and care for him.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter (who has other special needs) was born with craniosynostosis on 3 out of the 4 sutures. She had surgery at 4 months for the front and forehead, 11 months on the back, and then had titanium mesh added a year later when the bones didn't cover a spot in the back. And she had loose screws removed the following year (yes, you can laugh!). If you want to "talk" about it, feel free to shoot me an email at findingnormal08 at yahoo dot com. I didn't start blogging until she was about a year old, but there are pictures on my blog from the surgeries. The worst part was seeing her face so swollen (in the first surgery) that her eyes couldn't open, but the blessing was as soon as the swelling went down enough that she could open them, we were discharged. Recovery time was amazingly fast. Way faster than it would have been for me!!! Her beautiful red hair now covers the incision site (which was opened 3 times) and you don't know it's there unless you're looking for it. I'll pray for y'all!
ReplyDeleteRead this just now and am overwhelmed by Wes' story. It is an inspiration to all!! Thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing.