One year ago TODAY, we saw the face that would forever CHANGE OUR LIVES......
We had waited 3 weeks to get a new referral after losing our first one....I won't lie...the 3 weeks was VERY HARD!! I was ready to see the face that would make our hearts whole again....And, when THE CALL finally came that day...I felt a HUGE relief!!!
Above, and below are the VERY FIRST PICTURES we ever saw of our Lucy Lane Martha!!! Her face came across my computer screen...and I honestly, instantly felt SCARED!! I was so afraid that THIS BABY TOO would go back to her birth mother.....I wanted so badly to HOLD BACK this time...and NOT FALL IN LOVE INSTANTLY like last time....but HOW COULD ANYONE NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH THAT FACE??!!!
Once again....I trusted God and let myself fall deeply in love with a baby that I prayed each day would BECOME OURS!!!!.jpg)
I was at gymnastics for Julia when the call came...I remember it like it was yesterday!! The adrenaline that flows is like nothing else!!! I couldn't find one thing to write any info down I just sat and listened as my case worker, Julie, described our baby!! Her name given by her birth mom was "Martha"!! She was amazingly PERFECT!!! I packed the kids up and ran home to see her face for the first time!!!

I must have looked at these pics FOR HOURS!!! I studied every little feature and roll on her body!! She was amazingly beautiful...and I JUST INSTANTLY WANTED HER HOME!!!!!

Our court date was still 2 months we enjoyed pictures given to us by travelers over the next 2 months!! Every traveler and person that met her described her as "giggly" and "smiley"!!! We were told over and over again WHAT A HAPPY BABY SHE WAS!!! That should have been our first clue THAT LITTLE MISS LL WOULD BE FULL OF PERSONALITY!!!!!

I think what amazes me is that I had NO IDEA the greatness that laid ahead!!! I had no idea HOW MUCH I could LOVE this baby girl!! I mean, I certainly THOUGHT I could..but my little mind could never have grasped the HAPPINESS that one child would bring to a family!! She has taught us ALL so much about life!! Her laugh each and every day is something I couldn't live without now....she truly makes us smile every time she turns the corner!!! God had such BIG PLANS for this little one....and I had NO IDEA on this day ONE YEAR AGO.....

I had no idea that she would impact so many people TO ADOPT THEMSELVES!!! I never dreamed I'd still be blogging and have a full time job answering emails about adoption (at midnight :)!!! All this...because of one tiny little child in a third world country that needed a home!!! God blows my mind with his GREATNESS....I had no idea...but God knew the entire time..... :)
****And, man, SHE HAS CHANGED A LOT IN ONE YEAR........

That tiny little baby is a TODDLER NOW!!! She is full of life, love and spunk!!

She obviously doesn't remember that she played on dirt floors because, above, she likes to hand me EVERY piece of dirt or small rock she can find and do the "ick" face!! What a prissy pants!!! :)

And, "HAPPINESS and SILLINESS" is this child's middle name!! We say,
"LL show us your happy face!" and ABOVE is what we get!!!!!! :)

We say,
"LL show us where you are us Ethiopia"...and she points to her shirt!!! She can even say "ETHIOPIA" now!!! (
well, you a very "baby" type of way that only a mom could understand :)
And, here they are....5 siblings that LOVE each other deeply!! My 5 favorite little people in the world!!! We celebrate and give thanks for LLM's referral one year ago today!!! We praise God for that fateful day that ONLY HE could have orchestrated....There were so many twists and turns and dots that had to be connected to get this EXACT BABY GIRL TO US...and FOR THAT we will always be grateful and humbled by HIS GREATNESS!!!!
***Happy Tuesday to you all...and Happy Referral Day Lucy Lane!!!! We would fly across the ocean a million more times for you :) kj
Already got an email about it! No joke! =) Thanks for posting, those are GREAT pictures! And I love that she says "Ethiopia" already!
ReplyDeletethose are some of the most precious referral pics ever! happy referral-iversary!
ReplyDeleteHappy referral anniversary. :-D It's amazing how one little girl could change all of your lives so much. :-D
ReplyDeletehappy happy referral day!!! i love the "happy face" pic with her arms sticking out...pure adorable-ness=)!!! kp
ReplyDeleteWow, I can't believe it has been a whole year already!! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteso much to celebrate! i kind of feel like i lived it with you a bit as i followed so closely along. happy referraliversary!
ReplyDeleteI loved this post!!! It makes me long for our referral day even more!!! (like I haven't already been daydreaming about it every second of the day!!) haha
ReplyDeleteShe's changed so much! She is soooo beautiful... then and now! :)
Such a beautiful story Kristi! Makes me cry for you and for my little Abby who we are LONGING to go get!!!!
Wow! This post just gives me chills! God is so amazing and just think, none of it would've happened, so many people would not be going to get their children, if you hadn't been obedient to His calling. His plan is always perfect!! Lucy Lane is SO precious!!!! LOVE her shirt too!
ReplyDeleteWOW ... wo much has happened in a year. I remember those precious referral photos like it was yesterday.
ReplyDeleteI miss you ALL!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Tears. How sweet!
ReplyDeleteThis was just the post I needed to read while I stare at my phone willing my travel call to come. I can only imagine how in love I will be with the son who has already stolen my heart!
happy referral day, lucy lane!!!
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate to your post!!! We JUST got our referral and I feel the same way you did! I can't even count how many hours I have studied the two photos that we got! You gave me a really good idea...take a picture of the computer with our girl's referral picture on it! Thanks! Now, we pray for a quick court date! I love how LL's adoption has touched so many peole (including us!). I can't wait to see how many lives our little one touches :)
Thanks for the encouragement today. We accepted a referral Jan. 19, finally had a court date Monday of this week and did not pass. We are rescheduled for April 14. I needed some encouragement today!
She is the most amazing little girl I have ever seen. I know that right now isn't the right time for my family to adopt....but I wish and pray that ONE DAY we will get the calling to give the gift of love. I've said this before and I'll say it a million more times, she truely is going to do BIG things in her lifetime. I feel it. God bless!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing how already in Lucy Lane's short little life, God is using her so much! I am sure you are so excited to see how He uses her and all your children as they grow up! p.s. We finally made a decision and have complete peace from God about which direction to move. Last time I emailed you we were still wondering if it was Uganda or AA domestic adoption! Today at 4:00pm est the news will be posted on our blog! Just wanted to let you know because you were a help to us with answering questions about AA domestic adoption a few weeks back!
ReplyDeleteshe's just simply beautiful! And think of all the lives she has touched in the last year. :) congrats momma!
ReplyDeleteYour video really helped touch our hearts. I just want you to know that today, yes TODAY, we received our referral for our daughter. I have cried so much!!!!
ReplyDeleteLOVE your story!!!! Totally love how God has used you!!!!! That sweet face is just too cute :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Referraliversary! Such cute photos!! LLM has grown so much! I am so glad I have been able to follow your journey!! :)
ReplyDeletePraising God for little LL and for the entire Johnson family! Thanks for being such an inspiration and showing us God in action!
ReplyDeleteLove Ya!!!
How COULD anyone not fall in love with that face?!! My goodness she is SO stinkin cute!
ReplyDeleteMy sis in law is making the cute shirts! :) You can check out my little man wearing his on my blog (
ReplyDeleteWe just received our referral for our little girl and her name given at birth guessed it...Martha! :) SO nice to see another little "Martha" from Ethiopia doing SO WELL. I can't wait to post pics of our Maleah Martha Jean for you to see her too!
Laura VG
Can you believe how FAST a year has flown?? Wow, she has definitely changed and grown up! What a precious doll-face. Happy referral-iversary!
Wow she is just beautiful. God bless you guys!
ReplyDeleteIt is so amazing what God uses in our lives to glorify him. I am so thankful for Lucy Lane too. God used your family greatly in my life to help develop a passion in my heart for orphans. Thank you for allowing your life to be a testimony to him.
ReplyDeleteYay! Happy referral-iversary Lucy Lane.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing you're story and opening my eyes to adoption, I have only you to thank for what happens next, Thank you!! God bless.