Last night was another night FILLED with miracles at the airport!! We watched the
Mihnovich Family go from a family of 5 to a family of 9 IN AN INSTANT!!! Yes, this amazing family adopted a sibling group of 4 from Ethiopia and arrived home safely last night!! Praise God!!

After many delays and MANY hours in travel...they were on American soil and VERY READY to get home...Well...above, 3 of them were awake...and.....below..

the baby of this sibling group couldn't quite HANG with the rest of the gang...He decided that sleeping through all the excitement was the way to go!! :)
And, yes, is really sad when the Momma of 7 that just traveled 40 hours to get home LOOKED BETTER than this momma!! LOL Oh, well..I've never seen Tracy look bad!! Tracy and her family are the ones responsible for our deciding to adopt. You can scroll down to the bottom of this page and see their first Gotcha Day with Baby Levi!! It was that video that changed our lives forever....We didn't even know this family, but were so excited to find out that they were local...Now, 2 years later...they have completed their second adoption and we're so proud to call them FRIENDS!!!

Well, they obviously have MANY friends...the airport was packed...even at 10'oclock at night....And, it was packed with Ethiopian beauties everywhere!!!

above, Elle is the big sister to this sibling group now of 7!! And, Levi is the baby still!!!

Poppy Dip herself was in FULL BEAUTY ACTION at the airport last night...I always say that this child should be on the cover of "Adopt Ethiopia" and there wouldn't be another waiting child in Ethiopia !! :)
I LOVE this above is
Missy who just got home a few weeks ago with her son from Ethiopia and she took the "147 Million Orphan Feed 1" shirt and changed the "1" into a "4" for this event...AND, you have the FOUNDERS of shirts posing on each side of her....GREAT IDEA Missy!!! Wish I'd thought of it!!! :)

above, AND here is Missy's son, Micah Shewit!! He stopped to pose for me....It was just weeks ago that HE was the new kid at the airport...AND, now he is an old pro at AIRPORT HOMECOMINGS!!

And, we have some of the Mommas posing in their
147 Million gear!! We all looked at Gwen and Suzanne (founders of it) and said,
"What did we wear before you started your business?" LOL
Vannessa and
Amy were out supporting too...Both of these Mommas are on the waitlist for Ethiopian boys..I can't wait till their homecomings!! :)

This precious Ethiopian baby boy was just too cute!!! I think he and his Momma actually look a lot alike!!

2 more beauties welcoming their new friends home.....

I love these two friends....I said they needed to be on a Shampoo commercial...What GREAT hair!!

Another sweet family, above, just getting started in the process!!

Poppy Dip and her twin girls!!

And, above we have two of the Mommas that rode in my hubby's van to the airport last night...that was one of the MOST fun parts..the ride out there!! We had 6 in my van and we laughed and gabbed the entire way there and back!! I love all the women God has put in my life..they inspire me each and every day!!
And, I especially LOVE the Mihnovich Family for adopting 4 more!! What an inspiration!!! What might seem "crazy" or "hard" to the rest of the world...seems so NORMAL now to all of us!! Witnessing God bring this family together seems SO NATURAL and BEAUTIFUL!! I love the way God has changed US ALL so much during this journey of our lives!!! I'll never be the same after witnessing such miracles take place!! :)
Praising God for this amazing FAMILY!! Our Tennessee community just went up in population by 4 more!!! 4 more beautiful children being given the chance at LIFE!! God is just too good sometimes!! :) Welcome home sweet children ...We love you, welcome you, embrace you and pour sweet blessings over your life!! Happy Wednesday to you all, kj
AAHHHHH! Kristy! So... I was there for the first flight, but I had to head back to Cleveland (Chattanooga area)to get the boys to school today. I cannot believe I missed all of you guys! Tracy, being the sweetest most gracious person, called me this morning. I love that family, and I adore the true community of love and support you all foster for one another. It truly is a direct expression of the Father!
ReplyDeleteI love these stories so much! Makes me want to pack up and move to Tennessee!! God is doing amazing things over there!!
ReplyDeleteLove the pics! I said the same thing about Tracy looking so good on my blog :) Their family is AMAZING!
how incredible to be able to witness that joyful homecoming. you have such an amazing community there.
ReplyDelete"What might seem "crazy" or "hard" to the rest of the world...seems so NORMAL now to all of us"...i love it!
Yay!!! Love it.
ReplyDeleteOK that's it. We are just moving to Tennessee to join in on all the fun :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a BEAUTIFUL night!
how awesome! such great happy for this family!
ReplyDeleteYeah God!!!! I love when you capture these moments! The rest of us get to live vicariously through your pictures! Wish I could have been there to see these precious children home. :) TFS! all have A LOT of local families. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteSo so awesome! What great pictures and a wonderful family to be blessed with these children!
ReplyDeleteI love following your blog as we too are in the process of adopting from ET. I pray that our community will also grow into a close knit, supporting family for God's huge adoptive family. It's on it's way!!! Thank you for your contagious heart and inspiration!!!
What a homecoming! What a wonderful network of adoptive families in your area--so much fun!
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to do that too- all about having more soon as immigration wakes up and smells the coffee! he he he.....we'll keep praying!
ReplyDeleteTried the link to visit the family....didn't work? What is the blog???
Oh, Kristi, I wish you could have heard the "whoops" and "hollers" at my home this evening when my family saw that LL's momma left a message on our blog! Thanks for stopping by and leaving encouragement. We have been so blessed by your story. My sister sent me your You Tube link soon after we started our process with AGCI. I was so moved as I watched you enter through the narrow gate at Hannah's Hope to find your sweet LL on the other side. I had just finished studying Matt.7 in my bible study and I felt like I was watching Jesus' words in real life. He says "But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." You, Kristi, have been a beacon of light for those of us coming behind you on this narrow road to find our precious ones that God is fashioning on the other side of the world! What a journey this narrow road is!
ReplyDeleteGod's Grace to you,
Fun! Sitting here reading this in (one of) my 147 Million orphans shirt. (-: Can't wait to be coming home with our own kiddos. Feels forever away!
ReplyDeleteThank you precious Kristi!! You truly are a photo-journalist! We are exhausted--and still no voice--we have to do sign language anyway, so it doesn't matter that much! Thank you for coming out with the gang-- wish I could have made that van ride! love you!!
ReplyDeleteOverwhelmed with joy and feeling quite homesick! Would have loved to be in that van ride to the airport!!! :o)
ReplyDeletePrecious pictures!
So excited for Tracy and team!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Ok Kristi...where do u live? I think I need to relocate b/c very few around me have adopted and I feel like a fish out of water! :)
ReplyDeletei swear i always look like i just got out of bed or from they gym on your blog ... hee hee ... GOOD THING "it is not about me" !!!! lol ... i love ya sister ... the ride was definitely a death defying act of FUN ...
ReplyDeleteWow! What a wonderful thing to adopt a sibling group of 4! And how lucky for those 4 adorable children to get to stay together, in a loving home. Just melts my heart! :-D
ReplyDeleteAhhh! I just noticed that Amy has on one of our shirts ( in the photo of her you've got posted! How cool!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so moved seeing these pictures. This family arrived home to SO MUCH SUPPORT! That is as it should be. I struggle reading this post and the posts of the gals at 147 million. You all have such an amazing community. We came with our daughter from Ethiopia in July. We traveled with our 3 older bio kids. We were met at the airport by our ride. That was it. It has been such a long lonely winter. We love our daughter so much and just wish we could walk this journey with others who also have caught the vision and answered the call. I am sure there are many adoptive families out there like us...a little lonely. Pray God will bring us a supportive community,too! -Kay Heikes