**My hubby and I wake last Saturday morning and decide we're taking the 5 kiddos OUT FOR BREAKFAST to experience some wonderful pancakes at one of our "kind of famous" local hole in the wall places!! Last time I had breakfast there, I ran into Steven Curtis Chapman...so I kind of like the cool little place!!! So, we head out...

We are just about finished eating when our waitress comes over with a simple paper napkin in her hand and shows it to us....She goes on to explain that someone sitting across the restaurant wanted to give us THIS NAPKIN....The napkin simply said "GOOD JOB" written on it...AND, she explained that they had told her to tell us "WE WERE DOING A GOOD JOB" and THEY PAID FOR OUR BREAKFAST BEFORE THEY LEFT!!!! Will and I were stunned!! She said they had already left, and paid for it all, and JUST wanted the message sent to us!!! Isnt that the craziest, nicest thing EVER?????? We asked her IF she knew this person/couple?? And, she said she DIDN'T!!!! She'd never seen them before....I seriously got all teared up and couldn't believe someone, a complete stranger would do something SO NICE!!! So...we left our morning outing with such a fresh, renewed outlook on life...There really ARE a lot of nice people in this world!!! And, if such a small gesture could bring us SUCH warmth and happiness..we wanted to GIVE THAT BACK!!! So, look out world...we're looking for the next opportunity to PAY IT FORWARD!!! We're going to do the exact same thing....I'm sending a note over to the NEXT BIG family out and about I see...and picking up the tab for their meal....I'm also leaving FIRST before they figure out who did it!! :) I'll keep ya posted!!! :) AND, a HUGE thank you to the complete stranger that MADE OUR DAY!!! :) May God Bless you for being so kind!!
***Happy Saturday to you all, kj
That is such an amazing story!! I love that. I'm going to find something to do like that too! I bet that did make your day....I know it would've made mine!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool thing to start! When I was a kid, my family had a tradition of doing this every summer on our family vacation. We would set aside some money and during one of our meals out, when God brought someone(s) to our attention, we would secretly pay for their meal. It is so much fun to know you are being secretive and wonder what the reaction will be! Plus it was neat to look for someone who needs it the most and then pray for them afterward. Do tell us what happens...
ReplyDelete= ]
We only have 3... but right in a row. Tonight at our camp's fundraiser an older woman came up to me and asked the WORST question (you know, the one about don't we know what causes "that"... meaning my sweet baby). I was fuming and mad, then God sent me another comment to replace it... "Wow, becoming a mother has served you well, you look great!" :-D It is amazing what a word of grace and love can do. Funny how the Proverbs 31 woman is said to "keep the law of kindness on her tongue... may we always! Glad God blessed you through others! So sweet!
ReplyDeleteThat is such a neat story, and I love the pay it forward concept. Your family so deserves it too. I am so happy they paid for your meal. I am sure they saw from watching you guys what a sweet family you are. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat story to start my day with!
ReplyDeleteLove & Blessings from Hong Kong,
That is amazing.....and I have to say we have had this happen to us...more than once. It seems that God wants to Bless us in unusual ways at unusual times. We have been blown away by how & when we are BLESSED, but we know that God is using these wonderful people to encourage us. It leaves us feeling- wonderful- like we want to encourage others. What better idea than that?
ReplyDeleteENCOURAGING OTHERS! It is a Blessing that is so fun to do!
That is totally awesome!! :) My husband does this from time to time at random and the sneaky part is the fun part. It's not about sticking around to see their reaction. It's about knowing you will have an impact and wondering how God will lead them to respond to it! :) Congratulations on your breakfast! You deserve it. :)
ReplyDeleteThat is AWESOME! What a great story!! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThat is so sweet and beautiful. I love moments like that. Thank you for sharing friend.
ReplyDeleteMany blessings,
Our pastor in Gardendale, AL, (GFBC)introduced us to the concept called "Fast Food Friends" ministering to people in a practical way he called it. Same thing, you would pay for the order of whoever is behind you in the line and leave a business card at the window for them with info on the church and just tell them that Jesus loves them. It was awesome and some great stories from all over the Southeast would get emailed back to the church, about the horrible situation they were in the day someone paid for their meal and gave them hope. Practical way to meet a need and show the love of Christ! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteOh, Kristi, what a miracle! And you are humble, but they are all lookin' at you all cause you are just so stinkin' cute! God truly walks among us. It makes me think about what the Bible says about "angels in disguise".
ReplyDeleteWe had a moment like this in a Cracker Barrel on a trip with our 6 babes a year after Ava and Bruik arrived--our message on the napkin was, "from your angel". The kids still mention it every time we get into the car for a trip!
Love that you are passing the love along!!
Blessings, Gillian
that's awesome!! so so nice, and i know it just made your morning. you were just doing what seems to you as your "normal thing", and someone noticed your sweet family...how nice!! this is not near as big, but i like to pay for the person's starbucks who's in line behind me in the drive thru...it's so fun to tell the person at the window to just tell them "God bless...have a great day!" then quickly drive away! happy sunday! kp
ReplyDeleteVery Neat! I would have been a bawling mess! I love how God uses us to bless each other...especially when we least expect it!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'll join in... We had an opportunity to redistribute some unexpected money that came our way and sow it into lives of fellow adoptive families. It was a great feeling! Wouldn't you know it... someone came up to us at church today and gave us a check for DOUBLE the amount we had sowed this week. We give HIM all credit!!!
ReplyDeleteI bet you are so DYING to know who it was!
ReplyDeleteHOW COOL IS THAT??? Oh that just makes me smile! You are doing a great job and your kids are just too precious.
ReplyDeleteKristi, What a great story! It made me cry to hear of such kindness from a total stranger and then I attempted to read it to my husband and I had to stop several times and he couldn't figure out why I was crying! I keep thinking about WHO did it and WHY....and what he meant exactly by "Good Job." Your posts are always so inspiring! Makes me want to start a "pay it forward myself!" Thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThat is just awesome :) I wonder if the couple knew you advocate for orphans thru your blog? Or ya'll are just rocking the spilled drinks and handling it all in stride !! Way to go! Cant wait for the pay it forward story :) :)
ReplyDeleteI bet you it was an angel!
ReplyDeleteLOVE IT!!! That is wonderful and it does my heart good to hear about it!
LOVE THIS! This is one of those Delights! God tells us to DELIGHT ourselves in Him and He will fulfill the desires of our hearts.
ReplyDeleteYeah ya'll!!!
Oh I just love that! What a nice thing to do! I love that you are "paying it forward" as well. I have been keeping up with you through your blog and so sorry that I haven't commented in awhile. Lucy Lane is just the prettiest thing ever! Your family is such a testimony of God's faithfulness.
ReplyDeleteI have a new blog. Come over and visit me!