Five years ago TODAY I became a MOMMY to my FIRST son!! I had been a "girl" mommy up until this day...and my sweet Hal made me a "boy" mom too!! I was SO in love from DAY ONE!

I could have seriously EATEN this boy up!! I never knew HOW MUCH I could love a "baby boy" until I met my Hal!! He
wasn't ever what you would call an "easy" baby!! He was actually very fussy and difficult from day ONE!! But I didn't care....he was my BOY!! We had a joyful time in the hospital together..but.....

this sweet, calm new born didn't last for long!! I thought he was seriously the prettiest newborn I'd ever I just focused in on "how cute" I thought he was during our months of "crying fits" ahead of us!! :) I came home from the hospital to a "just turned" 3 year old, a newly one year old and a "screaming" new born that couldn't be pleased!! Thank the Lord my girls were fairly easy, because Hal required A LOT of attention!! He ate around the clock and required holding 24/7!!

His crying fits seemed to level out around 4 months, and by 1 year (above), he hit 30 lbs and was HUGE!! He was off the chart in every way possible!! He was intense, seriously smart, very sensitive, and talking WAY before he was suppose to....He kept us on our toes (and still does :) but his HEART was huge!! He LOVED us passionately and was always eager to please!! :)
Our Hal is still our only child out of 5 to keep us "challenged"!! (doesn't everyone deserve ONE : ) He can by shy and quirky yet funny and out going at other times!! He's sensitive and emotional YET very LOVING and KIND!! Where my girls will eat anything...he won't touch a THING!! My girls could care less what I pick out for them to wear...Hal has cared from DAY ONE!! He refused all diapers day and night at 2o months and wouldn't have an accident if his life depended on it...He took his "training wheels" off his bike at his 3rd bday and never looked back!! We've just always called him an "old soul"!! He doesn't miss a beat and you WON'T get a thing by him!! BUT...We wouldn't change a thing about our sweet boy, because God made him PERFECTLY for us!! :)
And, I do believe that the BEST thing that ever happened to Hal was getting LL as his baby sister!! They truly have a special bond!! He may push us away and say our kisses and hugs are "gross"...but he smothers LL in love ALL THE TIME!! His first and last thoughts of the day are "loving and holding" his baby sister!! He truly watches over her and takes care of her....I think that LL was a little gift from God for our Hal...She truly brings out the BEST in him, and he's never happier than when he is holding and playing with her!!

We celebrated Hal's 5th bday by having his friends join us at the local "Jumpy" place!! (pictured above)...He picked this place and had a GREAT time!! He even picked out his bday shirt to wear...a "mario" tshirt (not momma's first choice :) But, hey, if Hal is HAPPY, we're ALL HAPPY!!! :)
***Happy 5th bday sweet love!!! Momma and Daddy LOVE you so much and we can't believe you are ALREADY 5!! Where is the time going?? We know God has big plans for your smart head and big heart!! We can't wait to see what that is....You are a wonderful gift from the Lord!!! :)
(and one year ago today...on Hal's 4th bday...we lost our referral for Baby K...her birth mom changed her mind and returned to the orphanage to reclaim her baby girl...I knew in my heart it was THE RIGHT THING, but it still hurt...It was a call from my case worker that I never expected...I still remember "the call" like it was yesterday...It was just a SHOCK more than anything else!! Many travelers witnessed her mother coming and carrying her baby away wrapped in a pink blanket...I got many accounts of the actual event...and even one last picture taken before she was gone for good out of our lives!! We are thankful tonight (one year later) that Baby K's Mommy returned..that she was able to parent the child that was rightfully HERS!! We rejoice that they were able to be together AGAIN..AND we pray for their safety and happiness EACH and EVERY day since!! We know looking back NOW that Baby K was just a stepping stone to get us to our daughter Lucy Lane Martha...and for that...we give MUCH PRAISE!! )
**Happy Wednesday to you all, kj
Happy Birthday Hal!
ReplyDeleteWhat a blessing you are to your family.
I loved reading about your special bond the Lucy Lane.
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
The Miller Family
Happy 5th Birthday Hal! Little boys are the best. :) Not having a daughter (yet!) myself, I can't imagine life any other way. Trucks, planes, bugs, dino's.... my boys have made me into a more outdoory girl for sure! And that is so special how he loves his Lucy Lane. I pray for that kind of relationship for my oldest son with our adopted daughter. Neat!!!
ReplyDeleteI am sure that was so difficult to lose that referral. But it does seem with adoption, God has a master plan. Wonderful when I see it played out!
Aren't you just the perfect poster child for birth stories?! You look so good it ought to be shameful girl! Where's the messy hair and sweaty brow?! I don't look that good on normal days! LOL And Hal was DEFINITELY a GORGEOUS baby!!!! Absolutely beautiful. He had hair like my baby girl! :) Glad you had a great party day with your boy.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your Hal! :-D He really was quite the breathtaking newborn. WOW!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd isn't it amazing how God closes one door but opens another? I have no doubt that LL was meant to be your daughter. And you needed to lose K's referral for it to happen. I'm always amazed at how things work out. :-D
Happy Birthday Hal!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Hal!! Time does fly faster than us Mama's would like.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your encouraging words you left about the AGCI phone call yesterday on the Listserv. Your thoughts and experiences help bring a positive perspective to all us waiting to bring our little ones home.
I feel as though God is sending us all on a mission trip to love on the babes and staff at Hannah's Hope and then we get the privilege to do it again several weeks later! God is always so busy and we get to join in!
Thanks, Kristi.
Happy Birthday to Hal! It was 13 years ago today that I too became a Boy Mom. My first baby, Kendyll, is a teenager today. I could describe him in many ways as you've described Hal, even down to the training wheels at 3 part! I am so blessed to be his Mom, he makes me SO proud and as a biracial child has turned SO many cold hearts warm. He is a straight A, honors student, loves his sisters deeply and makes me proud every day. Congratulations to us Boy Moms!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY HAL!!! What a beautiful baby boy he was and a handsome little boy now. The years do fly by. My baby turns one next Friday and this one is hitting me hard, but who knows God always seems to have different plans than we do, so maybe there will be another precious gift. Have a wonderful week!
Happy Birthday! He is so sweet!
ReplyDeleteYour little Hal sounds sooo much like my " D " .... colic, early potty training, early bike riding, sensitive, emotional, the whole deal! You're in the Nashville area, right? I recognize that jumpy place! Maybe we can get these guys together when I'm in town visiting the in laws this summer!
ReplyDeletewhat a cutie!!! Oh my goodness!!! He is the prettiest newborn I ever saw!! Happy Birthday Hal!
ReplyDeleteHappy bday, Hal!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Hal!!! I hope your day rocked!!
ReplyDeletebeautiful--happy birthday to hal and a couple of tears for your story of baby k. you are soooo blessed.
ReplyDeletehappy birthday to your big boy. he looks like a doll in that newborn pic b/c he's so perfect! speaking of perfect...oh my, look at you in that hospital pic! you are glowing!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it has been 5 years since you became that 'crazy mom of 3 young kids!' (we had no idea what was in store for you!). It has been an honor to watch Hal grow up into such a sweet boy. You are doing something right, girl, cuz you have amazing kids! Happy birthday, big man!
ReplyDeleteHal sounds so much like my oldest as a baby. I guess cranky babies turn out to have the biggest hearts :) I hope his day was perfect!!!