Well, this post was inspired by eating lunch out with my dear friend Gwen the other day!! You see...we took 5 of our smallest children out to lunch the other day (
yes, we must like torture :) and during lunch Gwen got to witness LL hitting her food off the table (
for no real good reason) and giving me the "
how dare you make me sit here in this highchair" look and smack the table!! :) Well, Gwen said,
"Wow, if the blog world could just see this from LL!" It made me think.....Hmmmmm...I try to be REAL..but maybe I've NOT BEEN REAL enough lately....I mean..I've posted pics of our dirty kitchen in the past....pics of my out of control laundry....but maybe I haven't posted enough pics of LL "acting like a normal toddler"......
So......here goes:

Yes, I think my sweet LL hung the moon!! It is true...I like to post her cuteness, her sweetness, her unbelievable charm she has with all of us....
BUT, yes, folks...she also is NORMAL....she likes to throw fits....Above, you have her doing one of her favorite tricks which is to open the dishwasher by herself....Well, there are sharp knives in the dishwasher..and for some reason it WON'T lock...so our LL is a smart little cookie and it didn't take long for her to figure out HOW to push the button and get it open by herself......
So......I have to close it and hold it shut:
This makes my sweet princess MAD!!!!!
So, MAD that she likes to throw herself on the floor and scream.............
Then she does the "bury my head trick" and surely someone will think i'm so cute that they'll let me go back to playing with sharp knives.........
Then when that doesn't work, we get the "roll over" and "kick our legs" game......
Well, this lasts about a minute when she gets easily distracted by a measuring cup she finds on the floor.....AND......
WHAM....she's over it!!!! :) That's my LL!!! My feisty little, incredibly dramatic Ethiopian Princess that we think HUNG THE MOON!!! :)
***And, yes, I still have my dining room FULL of clean laundry that the kids jump in because they think it is a fun game always going on in the dining room....
***My kitchen is always still a disaster filled with dirty dishes and dirty sippy cups....Oh...and that reminds me...My hubby just went to the cabinet to pull out a "clean" sippy cup to fix someone a cup of milk...He opens the "suppose to be" clean cup from the cabinet....it is is filled with curdled milk!!! Hmmmmm..wonder how long that had been in there!! :)
***So, yes, we're NORMAL...we have good days, bad days (like a friend this week called me to ask me if I'd pick her kid up from choir for her and bring her home so she wouldn't have to get out....well.....lets see...I FORGET!!! Yes, at the last minute we decided NOT to go to choir and I NEVER remembered telling the friend I'd bring her child home!! Yes, loser friend here too sometimes :)
***AND, one more to share with you....My 2 yr. old George LOVES the race car grocery carts that the kids can ride in at the local grocery!! LL likes to ride facing me at the top of the cart....NO PROBLEM until LL decides she wants to ride in the RACE CAR WITH GEORGE!!! It does have two seat belts and two steering wheels!! George does not like this idea!!! Well, he just loses it!! He is screaming through the store, "This is MY RACE CAR....GET THE BABY OUT!!! " He truly never stops...I am stared at through the entire store!!! One kind lady walks up and says, "Mam you seem to have your hands full!" I say, "No MAM, this is my day off....my other three are in school today!" :) She didn't quite know what to say!! :)
*** So......yes, we're a NORMAL family if you were wondering!!! And, I hope to always reflect that from time to time!!! :) Happy Saturday to you all, kj
very cute pics!
ReplyDeletebtw...i remember when I emailed you about AA domestic adoptions you told me to keep you posted...well guess what...we are still deciding and praying about whether to stick with Uganda or go domestic first but we just found out we got a grant of $13,500 if we do go with AA domestic adoption! How awesome is that!
Hehe! :))
ReplyDeletesounds like home to me :)
ReplyDeleteGood to know I'm not the only one who piles up clean laundry on the dining room table :) Mine sits there all week...and I only have 2 kids :)
ReplyDeleteI love to hear that you too are "normal." There are so many times I get up in the morning to a sink of dirty dishes and wonder if we are the only people who "live like this!"
ReplyDeleteLOVE IT!!! So funny... it's nice to know that your are normal like the rest of us :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like my house. Exept we have it on the market to sell it and I am making a desperate attempt to keep it clean, but it is a 24/7 job. I am tired!!! This past week I found a whole bag of cheese blocks in my tuppeware drawer. Jack and Anderson have learned how to open the fridge and help themselves then hide random food throughout my house. FUN! I found my gallon of milk behind the futon, also. :)
ReplyDeleteLove the pics of LL. Anderson is at a similar age and we have major tantrums at the grocery store. Have a great day!
Thanks for keeping it real so I can feel normal!
ReplyDeleteLove & Miss Ya,
Ahh...thank you! Love the tantrums tho. I find them cute. How do we even think any family of little ones would be exempt of such craziness?!?
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my favorite posts ever! So funny. Only funny I guess because I live it every day too! Gotta love that independence. (:
ReplyDeleteoh that is so funny. We all have days where everything is crazy. Like today I totally forgot the kids were in the Esther program at our church after being on vacation so we rushed to get to church on time. I can totally relate the the laundry piled up and dishes non stop. That's just how life is with lots of kids.
ReplyDeleteHave a great Sunday!
Love Heidi
Ha! Thanks for making me feel normal! Much love to you and your family! :)
ReplyDelete"better full than empty."
ReplyDeleteKristi...THANK YOU for being so transparent! Its finding the curdled milk cup in my cabinets that makes me "who in the world would let me adopt a child!" I'm so happy to hear you are normal...means I must be too right!!! :)
ReplyDeleteYou mean dishes in the sink aren't decoration? Oh! :)
ReplyDeleteKristy, it's obvious you are real or all these women wouldn't hang on your every post. It's gracious of you to share little peeks into your world. Besides, the great thing about a blog is controlling the content. If we all start sharing our at home web cams, I'm out!
HEE! Nope, it didn't work--I STILL think YOU ALL "hung the moon" over there, Kristi!! Those adorable tantrums clinched it for me!! :)
ReplyDeleteYou hang in there with such JOY--It's TRULY ministry that makes me roll back up my sleeves and look around with similar gratitude for all the crazy love around here too--I love you sweet,sister!!
Love, Gillian
Thanks for sharing!!
ReplyDeletelove this dose of reality. the pix of ll are hilarious. even her tantrums are cute! i esp. appreciated the story about forgetting to pick up your friends kid from choir. i have done things like that more times than i can count. you always make me smile!
ReplyDeletei think i need to use my dining room for my clean laundry! good idea! we need somewhere to put it after it's clean! that seems to be the hardest part! thanks!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE normalcy! :)
ReplyDeleteLove the reality check :) my sweet ethiopian princess can throw a mean tantrum too !! Makes life fun :)
ReplyDeleteThat just as well could be my toddler on the floor! =)
ReplyDeleteLOVE your response in the grocery store...
Thanks for being so tranparent.
ReplyDeleteLL can throw one cute tantrum! ;)
Just a normal house full of kids!! :)
ReplyDeleteLOL.... literally! "no mam, this is my day off!" Bwaaahhhaaaa You crack me up girl! Love to know you are just as normal and crazy as the rest of us. We've done the curdled milk thing many times. ;)
ReplyDeletehahaha -- even in the midst of a tantrum, she's still the cutest thing I ever saw!! :)