Yes, God never ceases to AMAZE me....He will even use a place like TARGET to spread the word of ADOPTION!!! I've shared my bowling alley story, my mall food court story, so this is my Target story......
Here is my latest Cool God story:
**This story took place about a month ago when I made my beloved weekly trip to Target with the kids!! :) My sweet adorable LL was screaming her head off at me because we HAD to finally leave the toy section and I PUT BACK the ball she was holding (i know, how dare I :) Anyways, I round the corner to the Valentine Section (with LL still screaming) when this cute Mom comes up and says, "Are you Kristi?" I said, "Yes" She said smiling, "Oh, my Goodness, I've been on your blog for the last 24 hrs reading all about your adoption!" (i'm sure those weren't her exact words, but you get it...something along those lines :) We stand and chit chat adoption for the next good bit (I hand LL another toy to keep her happy....:) She tells me about her heart for adoption and how they are researching agencies and HOW they are really leaning towards TWO kids, etc. etc. She says she'll email me and on our way we went....
**Later on that afternoon I get this email:
I just wanted to drop a note and say thanks for chatting with me in Target today. As I got in the car and reflected on our "not so chance meeting" a few things came to mind that I wanted to share. When I was doing my quiet time this morning I asked God to confirm to us that we are on the right track for this adoption and where He wants us to go. I also prayed that He would make it clear what agency we should use. After working out, I headed to Sam's and had intended to run to Walmart right after since it is just down the street. As I pulled out of the Sam's parking lot I went right instead of left. At first I was irritated with myself for not paying attention. I was trying to decide where to turn around when I thought, "Oh well, I will just go to Target since I am headed that direction anyway." So you see, I wasn't even planning to go to Target today. I know it was a total God thing. When I walked to the Valentine's department and saw you standing there I had to laugh. God never ceases to amaze me! I had been on your blog for the last 24 hours looking at pics, reading your story and everyone elses you had on there. I called my husband (who had also looked at some of your pics) and he was nearly in tears because we both knew that God was really working here."
***So, yes, God will even connect people and give people the "signs" they need at Target!! :) This family then came to our next Fellowship Group and are indeed wanting to adopt two children from Ethiopia...and well...last time I chatted with them they had an agency they were strongly leaning I need to email them again to get an update :) This kind of stuff just makes my day!! Praising God for this new family and for their faithfulness to listen to God's calling on their life! Welcome aboard R family!! And, I'll let all yall know when I hear they have a blog up and running...I'm sure it won't be long!! :)
When I asked her IF I could post her email and story....I LOVED her reply: "I hope we have many more stories to share before it is all over. That is what it is all about...obeying God and living the greatest most fulfilling adventure possible!!!" Amen!!! :) My new Target friends pictured below:
**Moral of the Story: Following God is SUCH A GOOD THING, An adorable screaming Ethiopian baby girl didn't scare this woman off from adoption, Target is good for other things than spending way more money than you ever intended, AND, I really should start showering before I leave the house if strangers are going to stop me and chat...but...hey...still can't be convinced yet that a shower with two babies staring at me and climbing in is worth it in the A.M. :)
**Happy Wednesday to you all, kj