Happy Friday to you all, kj
ps...next post will be HOW her siblings and Daddy handled the adoption, how they bonded and dealt with it all...just an fyi if you were wondering :)
*Hmmmm, lets see.....I handled it GOOD at times..and other times...well..I was slightly impatient!! I get asked ALL the time "What was the wait like?" People email me and say: "I feel like I'm losing my mind..is this normal?" Well....YES!! If adopting doesn't send you over the edge a few good times...then nothing will!! :) When people say that ADOPTION is a roller coaster ride....THEY AREN'T LYING!!! :) I seriously started off thinking: "I have 4 young children...I'll never get anxious and crazy like all these other people are acting..I have PLENTY to keep me occupied!" Yea, right!!! LOL Ok, so there is just something about messing with a Momma Hen and her babies!! We WANT our babies AT HOME in our COZY little NEST NOW...and no one better get in our way...No AGENCY, NO COURT, NO Ethiopian Government, NO U.S. Visa issuing place...NO travel agent..and certainly NO airlines......NOTHING CAN STOP A DETERMINED MOMMA.....cause we're likely to lose our minds, act nuts and be embarrassed later if SOMEONE dares and tries to slow us down!! :)
**Ok, so REALLY..I handled the paper work fine...I felt great during the first 6 months of my wait on the wait list....THEN...it happened...I WENT OVER 6 MONTHS!! :) Yes, all you that have waited years can laugh at me now!! So, I waited a total of 6 months and 3 weeks for our 1st referral and the last 3 weeks was an eternity.....You start playing mind games with yourself thinking: "I've been skipped" or " They've forgotten about me"...then you start begging ON LINE for PATIENCE and PRAYERS (first sign that you're starting to come unglued :)!! Then the REFERRAL comes...and well...I can finally breathe..I've seen the face of my child....OH, BUT WAIT...Now i've seen her face...and NOW I must GET HER HOME!! Suddenly then comes anxiety and impatient feelings that I'd never felt before....IT WAS THE MOTHER HEN SYNDROME COMING OUT!! I couldn't get the paper work returned fast enough...NOW I KNOW this baby girl is waiting on ME to get my paper work back..and well..I'm now panicking to make it go as fast as humanly possible!!! Then..OK...deep breathe..paper work returned...wait a month and get issued a court date...find out court date...then WHAM....THE DREADED CALL CAME.....
**We LOST referral!!! Our baby girl was gone!! The next 3 weeks waiting on a new referral was the hardest part of the adoption process....Every day as the AGCI offices closed and I didn't have a new referral...I just wanted to CRY!!! Oh, but...the PERFECT baby girl was waiting...The stars were aligning for our Lucy Lane to become ours!! Finally...the REAL call came..and we had our new baby girl!! Hallelujah...Life is GOOD Again!! :)
**Then all the same...panic to get paper work back...hear we couldn't keep same court date...wait for new court date...and WHAM....New Court Date was finally here....It was ONE YEAR AGO THIS WEEK THAT WE WENT TO COURT FOR OUR LUCY LANE MARTHA!! I thought I was going to have ulcers worrying so much about our court date....We were at the ball field ONE YEAR AGO EXACTLY when I looked down and saw this: Yes, one of the kids dropped their snow cone and it formed AFRICA!!! I yelled at my hubby..."It's a sign...we're going to pass court!!" AND WE DID PASS THE FIRST TIME! PRAISE GOD!!!!
*** I officially DID LOSE MY MIND when waiting for our travel confirmations though...You'd think I would have been through the worst part...but no...waiting to find out WHEN I would get to travel proved to be one of the hardest parts...We passed court on Memorial Day..and I traveled two weeks later on June 13th.... I had a weeks notice to get my tickets and fly out and...I truly finally could breathe when I sat on that plane and it took off in the air headed for my baby girl!! So, yes...I cried to any case worker that would listen to me...I begged and pleaded in the end to let me on a plane...and well...IT WAS ALL WORTH IT!! :) Surely, the next time around I'll be much more patient...SURELY!!! :) And, it is just like pregnancy...you forget the painful parts and want to do it ALL OVER AGAIN!! :) (side note: AGCI was very kind and good to me...they listened so well as I cried and begged for my baby...I think they'd dealt with a few other crazy mommas before :)
****So...I'll post NEXT on my TRAVEL and BONDING with LL!! But I just wanted everyone that DIDN'T know me a year ago during THE WAIT to know...that I WASN'T COOL AS A CUCUMBER!! I was SOOOO anxious to get my baby girl home I could't stand it...I had NO FEAR of flying to Africa...I never worried ONCE about bonding with LL...I just WANTED my baby girl HOME WITH ME, and I wanted to throw up most days waiting on her!!! :) Ok, so...the next part was EASY....and I'll post about that soon!!! :)
**And, for your viewing pleasure....here is another Momma's Take on THEIR WAIT....JUST TOO CUTE: (oh, and pause my music at the bottom of the page...and see if you spot a baby girl that might look familiar! :)
Happy Tuesday to you all, kj
*Well, i've heard a LONG list of "other excuses" I could share with ya like:
" my family would never understand and never support me" - Well..how do you know if you don't give them a chance...I"ve watched MANY times where families DIDN'T support adoption..and well...I've seen EVERY time where those family members have to eat CROW because they LOVE that baby/child that comes into their family/life!! God has the ability to change ALL hearts...I've seen it happen!!
"I'm afraid of the teenage years..Is it really fair to bring a child into a bi-racial family?" - Ok, so is it fair to leave a child in an orphanage the rest of his/her life so YOU didn't have to face the teen years? I'd face a million years of LL's teen years if it meant that I could be her parent!! I haven't been a parent to a teen yet...but I can promise that I'll be there to support and love her through any hard times she might face!!
" If I only lived in YOUR area it would be easy to adopt...I'd have so much support..but no one where I live adopts" - Ok, so WHAT IF TRACY M. thought that same thought and never adopted LEVI?? Imagine HOW different our community would be!! When she adopted from Ethiopia..she was ALONE...she met a few others in the same pilot program..but they were virutally alone in our community...Their fellowship group consisted of like two families..seriously!! Now there are well over a hundred families!! I know God has many other "Tracy's" out there...that must be the FIRST.... it might seem scary..but there are hundreds of children in this world relying on YOU to say YES!! BECAUSE YOUR YES will make it ok for the NEXT person to say YES..and so on and so on!!
***Ok, so it is getting too late and I could go on for days with the "excuses" we all come up with....but my point here is to just let you know that I was ONCE there..I was scared and made up excuses too....but EVEN MORE IMPORTANT IS THE FACT THAT I GOT OVER IT....WHY/HOW???? I GOT OVER IT BECAUSE I KNEW IN MY HEART THAT THERE WAS A LITTLE GIRL RELYING ON ME TO COME AND GET HER....I GOT OVER IT BECAUSE SHE NEEDED ME TO GET OVER IT:
So, with out any further ado....I'm proud to introduce you all to ...The Precious Curly Headed brothers with their new Daddy:
**Happy Wednesday to you all, kj
I NEVER dreamed of adoption a day in my life!! Seriously....never even considered it...I was VERY focused on "getting pregnant" and having a BIG family the old fashioned way..plain and simple!! I don't know if I "IGNORED" the fact that there were so many orphans in the world or what...but I do believe God's plan was perfect for us....birthing 4 children in a row WAS FABULOUS..and my doctor called it "QUITS" for us since I had 4 c-sections!! That was it...we got "fixed" and story was over!! (or so I thought :)
We were seriously BUSY!! We had a new 5 yr. old, a 3 yr. old, a 2 yr. old and a new born....2 girls then 2 boys...what more could anyone ask for, right?? Well...when our baby George was 10 months old....I was busy praying to God to let me know "WHAT WAS NEXT"!! I STILL never dreamed of adoption....I thought I'd make a difference in the world by helping the homeless (like my sister Kelly was busy doing) and my hobbies consisted of surfing Realtracs... a website announcing the latest homes for sale in our area (really meaningful hobby, i know :) I had never even heard of the word "blog" before!! :)
When one fateful day...I received an email....it was like any other email...it was sent from my friend Nicole in my Sunday School Class..and it said, "Kristi, forward this on to your sister Kelly..I think she'd like it" The title of the forward was "Gotcha Day Video" !!! I didn't even know "what" that meant...and ALMOST sent it straight on to my sister...but I decided to open it first instead....and well....God was there at that very moment as I watched that Gotcha Day video...I had never seen anything like it in my life...I didn't know you could even adopt from Ethiopia...Here is the video:
God changed our lives at that VERY moment!! It was a fateful MOMENT in my life where God used someone else's journey to let us know that our FAMILY WASN'T FINISHED!!! We had a daughter waiting for us in Ethiopia....
Waiting from G Miller on Vimeo.
**Happy Monday to you all, kj
Too cute...You can find this shirt at http://www.4boys1girl-kchiolis.blogspot.com/ I need to jump on over and order mine..... Isn't this family adorable...they certainly need to add a girly to that mix :)
3. Now let me introduce ya to the Kirk Family....I know...just too cute:
You can find this family at: www.growingbytwofeet.blogspot.com They are partnering with www.goseeklove.com for 6 weeks where all the profits from these adorable tshirts goes towards their adoption of baby #7!!! This partnership with the Kirk Family starts on Sunday, May 16th....so get your goseeklove shirt starting then!!! This family is also another AGCI fam!!!
#4. 2 shout outs go out for my friend Becky and her family!!! Becky is my "Target" friend that I blogged about in March....She had a great story...go check it out here!!! Anyways, they have since accepted a referral for a 5 and 8 year old child from Ethiopia...they have a court date..and things are moving VERY QUICKLY at this point...You can see their blog at: www.therutlandjourney.blogspot.com They are doing some fundraising events coming up:
1. They are having a spa day on Monday, May 17th...all day....where you can be pampered and purchase items from Beauticontrol and all proceeds go towards their adoption..... AND...
2. They are having a large yard sale on Saturday, June 26th at Bethel World Outreach Center in Mckays Mill, Franklin!! If you are interested in helping or donating to either of these fundraisers please contact Becky at beckyrutland@gmail.com She can give you more details!!
#5. My sister Kelly with www.ordinaryhero.org is taking donations for the Flood Victims of Nashville AGAIN this Friday at a local drop off point!! They are in need of ALL household items..including clothes, personal items, furniture, etc.... You can email info@ordinaryhero.org if you have anything you'd like to donate...They are NOW up to about 7 families they are helping and believing that God will provide all the things needed to get these families back on their feet!! Imagine having NOTHING....all donations are greatly appreciated!!
#6. I have one more fam to introduce ya to...I'm introducing this family because I've had MANY emails lately from people "scared" to get started!! They all feel God is working on their hearts for adoption...but they feel scared to get started!! I hear lots of "i'll be the first in my community to adopt"..."what will the teen years be like"...."my parents/inlaws aren't supportive"...."I live in a community where racism still exists..what will that be like for my child?" All I can say is...I don't have all the answers...but God DOES!!!! You might just have to be strong enough to be the FIRST in your community like this family: www.lovinmuch.blogspot.com This sweet family is open to talking with any of you that might have questions like: "How did you get over your fears..and decide to adopt when you are the 1st to do it in your community?"
#7.....Ok....I have my OWN SHOUT OUT!!! My sweet friend Karen (who made my Gotcha Day video) is making a 1 year home video...coming out in June on our 1 year anniversary home!!! Yes, sequels are hard...but hey...we're given it a try anyways...So.....we were chatting today and throwing out ideas...when...we came up with something good!! :) I would LOVE for anyone that has been touched, moved, inspired, or pushed over the edge to adopt BECAUSE of our adoption/video/LL, etc. to please email me a picture of your current family so it can be used in our 1 year home video!! It can be a pic of your fam currently holding up a number on the wait list, or just a picture of your fam, or if your adoption is complete then it can be with your new child....Is this making any sense?? So, I've lost count of HOW MANY people have written me to let me know they are NOW adopting....and I'd like to use you all in our video...to let the world know what happens when you adopt JUST ONE CHILD!!! Everyone has a ripple effect...I'm nothing special...but I know so many people think that it is just helping ONE CHILD..when really it is helping hundreds of children every time someone adopts an orphaned child!!! Ok. if that makes sense..then please email me your picture at weloveourlucy@gmail.com and give me permission to use it on our video!! Ok, so the pressure is on ya now Karen....as if you weren't busy enough..I know..I'm a high maintenance friend!!! :)
****Wow...that took a while to post...so now my arms are falling to sleep from typing so much..and well...my brain is turning off for the night!! :) Happy Wednesday to you all, kj