***WEll...... I've got my hubby ALL packed up.....
...He's ready to go...
..Friends keep asking me, "Is your hubby NERVOUS about going to Africa for the first time?" And, he says HE'S NOT!! He seems excited and ready to TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS!!! (so him :) I've given him STRICT instructions to CALL ME the second he walks out of court...TO TAKE PICTURES of every different outfit Wes is in...AND...to get on film and video HIM MEETING WES FOR THE FIRST TIME!! AND..hopefully we can SKYPE at least ONCE!!! Just so stinkin excited!!! :)

What will I be doing besides WAITING to hear word from my hubby? Well...my little sassy Ethiopian at home will keep me busy for sure:
(notice above..she has her stuffed animal STUFFED inside her shirt....such a silly girl :)....

AND...we have TONS of family showing up tomorrow to hang with us...and we're heading out too for some family fun to make the time go by faster with Daddy gone!! Lots planned to keep us all busy!!! :)
***I'll post updates and info as I get it in from ETHIOPIA!!! Praying, praying, praying for SAFE TRAVELS...a wonderful bonding time between father and son...AND...TO PASS COURT THE FIRST TIME!!!! AND, for my sister's MOWA letter to show up too ASAP for her son!! Wouldn't it be awesome IF we could travel back for EMBASSY together for our ET sons!! So fun!! Ok, the BUTTERFLIES are back...gotta run and check all my lists again!!! :) I'll be in touch soon...Happy Thursday to you all, kj