Yes, we were at the airport AGAIN on Saturday...Yes, we personally KNEW 6 children coming home this weekend to OUR AREA!! Wow..I love Nashvegas!! We have such an amazing, supportive area for adoptive families!! People stepping up left and right for the orphaned child!! Simply a miracle each and every time....So, yesterday, Saturday, we had a few basketball games first..then loaded up our crew of 7 and headed toward the airport AGAIN...LL was having some fun with Uncle Shane (my sister
kelly's hubby:)

Mamo (sp??) has been home a short while...but these were HIS BUDDIES from the orphanage coming he was SO excited about seeing them....All these children on Saturday coming home were from my Wes's orphanage:

More pics as we is just rare that LL was letting someone else hold her:

The crowd was HUGE..and come to find out that there was also a South Korean homecoming going on..and another Ethiopian homecoming going on right after ours...Wow..I don't even know those families...

And, they arrived...This was a sibling group of 3 coming home...Here is the older sister in green on the right...I got to meet this sibling group of 3 when I was there in is such an awesome surreal God moment to see them home:

Bennett is her name (in green) She immediately ran to Mamo (mentioned early..the little boy in red) and yelled his name and kissed and hugged him....She is the sweetest child..She is full of so much love and happiness...Here she is below hugging a new friend (both girls came home through CCI..just different orphanages):

And, then she kept grabbing ALL her new friends asking me to take her pic with all of them..Is she not the sweetest thing EVER:

new friends...yet same story..same cool:

And here are her younger twin siblings with their new momma...So, they went from two kids to 5...Yes, their home will be BUSY for a long time :) But do yall realize HOW rare it is for a sibling group of this age to FIND SOMEONE to step up for them?? 3 children that had LOST everyone they ever have a family ACROSS the world STEP up and say, " YES!" !! Wow...just made me cry watching the JOY in their faces in their new world!! It really is a MIRACLE!!

And, there you have it...The next airport homecoming was happening close to midnight last I didn't get to make that one...but some more friends of ours adopting an older boy with his baby sister...Their hands were FULL too in the eyes of the world...but they also said YES to God's calling!! My sister KElly went to that I'll try to steal some pics from her soon!! So, yes, 6 children I KNEW and HAD ALREADY met in December...ARE HOME!!! Praise the Lord!!!
***Well, in other news...we left the airport and headed straight for our kid's Karate belt ceremony (yes, our lives are nuts most of time :) :
Yes, did yall know we found a Martial Arts, karate place we love?? And, our older 3 just moved up to yellow proud of them:

The good thing about having kids so close in age..they are ALL in the same class and moving at the same speed....makes it easy on momma :)

We went out to eat afterwards..i wanted a pic of my new yellow belted kids....LL insisted on being IN THE PIC...George REFUSED...silly kids... how about home and a little UNO before bed...Yes, having a lot of kids makes for good card games too :) Ok, so george and LL don't play yet..they just throw the cards and I chase them down !! :) And, yes, LL is in her diaper...we were getting ready for bed:
Ok, that was our Saturday....Hope yours was GREAT too....I'm still advocating for the KIDS IN MY LAST POST...Go check them out at the end of my last post...3 boys still need a home!! It is a brother set of two..and a single boy...ALL THREE I have met and LOVED!! ARE THEY YOURS??? They'd love a chance at karate...card games...airport homecomings, ...just simply a FAMILY....
**That's all folks...Heading out the door to surprise our kids for a little ONE NIGHT GET AWAY since tomorrow is President's Day..and there is no school or work going on in our home ! :) Stay tuned...Happy Sunday to you all, kj