So...I believe you just start "small"..UNLESS you just happen to know lots of people adopting from Africa!! BUT we call ours "African Fellowship" because we want all families that have adopted from any country in Africa PLUS any family that has adopted African American to feel welcome!! We have a GREAT mixture of all the above BUT the majority is Ethiopian since that is the fastest and easiest country to adopt from right now in Africa!! And...all agencies are welcomed and encouraged!! So.....We meet as a family group every other month at places like parks, pools, Ethiopian Restaurants, people's back yards, etc. The in-between month is meant to be a "smaller" group adult discussion night where we meet with "fewer" children and ask questions and talk in a circle type of thing!! BUT it is hard to get lots of people to turn out for that cause getting a sitter is always a hard thing...I always go and take LL and even George sometimes....but will leave the olders home with Daddy on those "smaller" adult nights!!
So...GET THE WORD OUT...start a "fellowship" blog so people can find you and see the upcoming events...Tell your homestudy offices in your area to "SEND" people your way...Lots of people have found us that way!! Ask your agency to give you emails for those people in your area....And...slowly you WILL GROW!!! I help Tracy plan the social events sometimes just cause I know she has 7 children..and I only have 5!! :) So..get a friend to help ya and together you can make a GREAT fellowship group in your area!! And..remember...it might just start with 2 families or so...but God will make that group GROW..I can promise that!! :) Oh...and most importantly...ALWAYS have everyone bring a dish to share...food is the key to every fellowship get together!! :) LOL
***FYI....My super cute shirt I wore tonight (pictured ABOVE) can be found at www.livingtolove.com Such a cute one!! And. yes....LL is picking her nose in that pick!! :) Such a stinker!! :) LOL Happy Sunday to you all, kj
Well, we have started small with our group. It started with 3 families, and at our last get together we had 8 families. Hoping to have even more when we get together in September! Here in MS, we have it for adoptive families of any country or domestic or those just praying about adoption! I guess we're still small enough we can do that...but one day, who knows???? :)
ReplyDeleteI love these posts! The new faces each month testify to all that God is doing in Middle TN for the cause of the orphan!
ReplyDeleteSimply Beautiful!
Alison..I guess I should have included that LOTSof people that come are only "inquiring" about adoption too..I left that off the post accidentally...we basically turn no one away :) kj
ReplyDeleteAwesome idea. I think we are going to try to start one here too because there are SO many families in the Lexington-nothern KY area! :o)
ReplyDeleteI would love to come to the next get together! We're in Dickson :)