We got to visit with Cousin Alec a lot:
He and my Helen are the exact same age so they always have fun together...Cousins just ROCK! So...we drove back Sunday and geared up for School to start back...BUT FIRST...We had to hit our own local County Fair Monday Night:

We NEVER miss the county fair....And we always go with our friends the Heberts!! They have Baby Macy:
We are determined that LL and Baby Macy are gonna be BFF's....Aren't they cute together?? :)

The County Fair is so much fun!!! I can't wait until next year...and Oh...LL and I like the CORN the BEST!!!! :)
Then, we spend Tuesday and Wednesday going to Open Houses, different grade level back to school parties, and many trips to Target to get ready for Wednesday nights Back Pack Project at the Shelter (which I posted about in my last post :) BUT...Thursday morning came bright and early and it was the official FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL:
I can't believe I have 3 children in school now!!! It blows me away to think that my BIG three are ALL going to school....sooooooo crazy!! We have Helen entering 3rd grade, Julia entering 1st grade and Hal starting Kindergarten!!! They all get to go together which I'm glad about:
Me and my "big" babies....They've gotten TOO old TOO fast!!! :(
My camera fogged up outside their school...but here they are showing off their backpacks!!! They all 3 got fabulous teachers and I'm so blessed to be at this school!!!

**Then an OPEN HOUSE on Thursday night...and WHAM..Friday was here before I knew it.....Some of my friends were puttin on a "bake sale" in my driveway to raise money for their up coming missions trip they are going on!! I had a full Drive way party going on Friday afternoon (I got no pics from that event) ...AND...all this going on in my driveway AS THE WRIGHT FAMILY OF TEN ARRIVED: (i stole this pic from their blog):
Yes, I know this family from BLOG LAND...and they were passing through town...and...so...they stopped in and stayed for the weekend before heading back home!!! So, yes...we had a house full of 17 all weekend!!! And, this family was a blessing to have:
Meal time was about the only time I could get everyone (or almost everyone) in one pic...Here we are sitting down for Friday Night's dinner I prepared...13 children for dinner Friday night....

***My George and their Elizabeth hit it off:
Yes, I think their kids were mesmerized by the kid's TV's in their bedrooms:
Then we invited some other "blog" families over Saturday night to join us and to meet the Wrights....So we were up to 20 children that night:
Just another pic of my table Saturday night:

And, here are the 4 AGCI Mommas Saturday night: (all 3 babies from HH..and Vanessa in the middle leaves Wednesday to pick up her son)
My Julia had fun all weekend holding their baby #8:

This is how George felt by Sunday afternoon:

Then Sunday night we invited the Oatsvalls and the Mayernicks over to meet the WRights:
We were up to 26 children on Sunday night!!! :)
Here are the 4 Mommas from Sunday night...Yes, that would be 4 moms and 26 children...kind of funny, huh??? :)

And, here are the 4 AGCI Mommas Saturday night: (all 3 babies from HH..and Vanessa in the middle leaves Wednesday to pick up her son)

This is how George felt by Sunday afternoon:

Then Sunday night we invited the Oatsvalls and the Mayernicks over to meet the WRights:

Yes...I was feeling "15 seater" envy on Sunday night...This is what my drive way looked like:
Yes, 3 large capacity vans in my drive way...Oh, so jealous!!! :) I only drive a suburban!! :) LOL
I enjoyed watching Momma Wright (Dawn) doing her girl's hair:
And...one last pic of LL and their Jonathan playing outside together...Just cutie kiddos from the exact same orphanage across the world:
Ok....So...yes, the Wright Family of 10 has just left to head 12 hrs. back home!! And...well...Yes, I'm exhausted and have to do LOTS of laundry...but I've gotten LL down for a nap and I think I'll go and cuddle up on the couch with my boys still at home and see if they want to nap with me :) (my big girls had to return back to school this morning and my kindergarten Hal gets this week off..they do Kindergarten slow around here :) So, have I made ya tired yet??? :)
And...one last pic of LL and their Jonathan playing outside together...Just cutie kiddos from the exact same orphanage across the world:

Yes, their children were sweet, well behaved, kind and got along with our kids great!!! My kids were completely entertained ALL weekend....Thanks Wrights for comin and hope you have a safe ride back home!! :) The one thing I know for sure after this weekend: BIG FAMILIES ARE A GREAT THING!!! :)
***Happy Monday to you all, kj
Love the photos! Looks like you guys had LOTS of fun!
ReplyDeleteOh my word, sounds like it was a blessing that our crew never had time to run over there!!! Hated being so close and not seeing you. Next trip!!!
ReplyDeleteSERIOUSLY Kristi you have an AMAZING Gift of HOSPITALITY!!! ♥ LOVED this post, ♥ LOVED seeing SO many families coming together, ♥ LOVED to see those AWESOME kiddos with Fabulous Families - ♥ LOVED to see great BIG happy families!! :) YAHOOO! ...Wish gooood 'ol Tennessee was a tad closer to Seattle! :) ha!
ReplyDeleteThat was a GREAT weekend! LOVE THE WRIGHTS too!
ReplyDeleteWhew, I am tired from reading that! The kids are precious though!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, ya'll have a serious gift of hospitality! I LOVE it!! Love all the big families! Looks like it was so much FUN! I know you are worn out though! :) I am worn out just reading all about it!
ReplyDeleteYou are so right.... big families are a GREAT thing. Keep on going girl, you can definitely do it! You've got the combination it takes.... trusting the LORD, loving babies, a great man in it with you and being able to roll with the punches. That's my recipe!
ReplyDeleteLL has some of the cutest expressions in a couple of those photos. ;-) Plus, she is seriously attacking that cob of corn. :-)
ReplyDeleteSAY WHAT??? Back up!!! HAL IS IN KINDER???? I can't believe that!
ReplyDeleteCracking up at your jealousy over the 15 passenger vans!!lol! :) Someday, maybe!
How can Hal be old enough for Kindergarten?! OH MY!
ReplyDeleteLove all the BIG FAMILY pics!
And yes ... I just thought I was tired before reading your post!
Love & Miss Ya,
I agree with Darcee's comment....you DO have the gift of Hospitality! That was a house full..but it looked like all of the kids had fun.
ReplyDeleteI think it is just wonderful that so many families are opening up their hearts and homes to these beautiful children.
God Bless You All!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
maybe you and i will get our sexy 15 passenger vans someday afterall. :) would have loved to meet the wrights! what fun!!! your kids looked darling on the first day of school...so did you. such a happy/sad time. glad you still have georgy and ll so you don't get lonely during the day!
ReplyDeleteLOVE THE WRIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a blast. Thanks for sharing thefun pictures. I wish we had adoptive families in our area so we could feel the love like you guys do. Thanks for being such a great person and showing God's love!
ReplyDeleteLove the Funk's
Awesome!! Can't wait to hear all the scoop on that amazing fam--- they came to the right place!!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the pic of LL with the corn - too cute!
ReplyDeleteAwwww......shucks. It was SOOO MUCH FUN!!!! Just keep your eyes open on ebay for those cute huge vans! I can't tell you how much being with your family and others over the weekend has changed and blessed our hearts. We really needed time with others who Love God, Love children, care for orphans, and are loads of FUN!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHope you recover from our stay soon :) So when are you planning a trip down south???
I love your blog and all the many others I have found through reading yours.
ReplyDeleteI have to add that you have a fantastic taste in music, sometimes I'll just click on your blog and let the music play through our house:) I love it.
Love, love, love! You have a boundless amount of energy Kristi! =)
ReplyDeleteYay! What an awesome weekend! Such amazing families enjoying fellowship. I laughed out loud at the pic of the vans in your driveway...hehe. Too cool.
(new blog www.eastiopians.wordpress.com)
Your last sentence says it all!! I come from a family of 10 and we grew up down by a creek........I had the best childhood ever!!! Kristi....Love your post. I can see your family with MANY childern yet someday:)
ReplyDeleteLove It!!
LOVE you! LOVE Dawn! LOVE this post! What a fun weekend with amazing company!