Ok, so if you have a weak stomach like mine...then you won't want to read this...just fair warning!!! Ok...so we woke for breakfast yesterday morning and while sitting at the table, my 8 yr. old is looking out the window and says,
"Hey, Mom...what is that?" I look and can't really make it out at first...it looks like a tree limb fell across our rod iron fence....
ad attempted to jump over one of these in our back yard:
And...well...lets say it DIDN'T MAKE IT ALL THE WAY OVER!!!!! Yes, there was an "impaled" deer ON MY FENCE in my back yard RIGHT OUT OUR BACK WINDOW!!! I yelled for the hubby to come quick....and we all yelled for the kids to GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOW....cause the worst thing was....IT WAS STILL ALIVE!!!! Horror Movie is the only thing that comes to mind!! It was an awful sight!!!!! Daddy quickly grabs older two to get them to school....
While I call one of these:
And....a very nice female police officer shows up in my driveway and i point to my back yard and tell her "
You can't miss it...It is huge!!" And, I hear her gasp for air at the sight as well!!! And, she tells me to keep the kids at the front of the house while she puts it out of its misery!!! So awful!!! She then calls for help and it takes 4 grown men to get the thing off the fence (
I should note for detail purposes that I called the Non-emergency police number and she didn't end up having to shoot it cause it died before she had to ) !! And, thankfully they took the deer with them to dispose of it!!
***NO...I didn't take ANY pictures of the scene!! I felt like I was going to vomit every time I looked out the window...And, it was one of those times where I would cover my eyes every time I walked in front of the window so I wouldn't accidentally look again...And...well...I'd just have to peak to see if it was still there and I'd scream all over again!! The police officer took pics cause I think it was one of the worst things she'd ever seen and I'm sure she sent it to her entire police force after that!!! My sister Kelly gave me a hard time for NOT taking a pic of it...and well...I just told her it was WAY too gross and cruel to take a pic of !! I would have had EVERY animal rights activist camping out on my front lawn protesting the pics IF I'd taken one!! AWFUL!!!
**So, yes, I'm still scarred...I get nauseated every time I think of it...and Yes, I must be weak...cause things like that REALLY gross me out!!!!! And, my 5 yr. old Hal talked about it ALL day long...and came up with that idea that the Deer went to "deer heaven" and she got wings and is an angel deer now!!! :)
Hope your day started off better than mine yesterday!! :) May you Rest In Peace Sweet Deer!!! Happy Thursday to you all, kj