Praise God!!! I'm just blown away by people's generous, giving hearts for this blog project!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! It's unbelievable to think about HOW many babes of Ethiopia will have FRESH clean cloth diapers VERY SOON!!! I have 3-4 traveling families for both LL's orphanage and Wes's orphanage...all traveling in the next month!!! So, I'll be giving them AS MANY diapers as they can take!!! So excited!! This turned out WAY bigger than I ever planned..and isn't that just the story of my life, of everyone's life!! I NEVER can predict ALL that God has in store!! No one can...Just so thankful to be following HIS PATH!!
***Soooo...one MORE BIG THING IN THE WORKS...Can't blog about it yet....but God wasn't DONE working MIRACLES through my last trip... Some amazing people have been INSPIRED by the thousands of children and adults that MUST WALK for 8 hrs. a day or more for water in LL's family's village ....and...well... THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY!! Still working out details..and well...I don't know HOW or WHAT God has in store here...but I've learned it is ALWAYS way bigger and greater than my tiny mind could have EVER imagined!! So, Stay tuned in the next few weeks, months for some exciting updates on THAT SUBJECT!!! :)
AND....FINALLY...I got some GREAT news on our little guy over the weekend!! All last week there was talk of WHETHER or NOT they'd have to put him back in the hospital...Travelers that would visit with him WERE VERY WORRIED about how he was doing!! Most just worried he wasn't gaining weight fast enough....and looked like he should be hospitalized!! So, this momma didn't sleep for about a week or two WORRYING about my little man...I would STAY up late and pray for him every time I thought about it...then I'd wake in the night with him on my mind and pray again!!! And, every prayer was, "Lord, just let him survive!!" Then finally on Friday, they weighed him again and I got new pictures from a traveling friend of mine there..and IT WAS GOOD NEWS!! HE had gone from an 8 lb. one year old....to 13 lbs when they weighed him on Friday...So, that means he had gained OVER half of his body weight!! He had gained 5 lbs in a two to three week period!!! Praise God...Praise God!!! Seriously...i've got NEW wrinkles from this boy already!! :) He's got me on my knees with the Lord...and I know that's right where God wants me!! :) So, NO more hospital for now..yayyy!! He's getting what he needs!! And, the new pics of him looked like a more alert, growing boy!! So excited..and so excited that my friend Beth got to meet him:
My local friend, Beth, that i've known for a few years now..is adopting twin girls through our same agency and passed court this passed week!! Yayyyyy!! And, she ran over to visit with my boy for a while...So excited she got to love on him:
He's doing a good job holding his bottle and i'm pretty sure they're giving him bottles around the clock...(I joked with the director that they must be filled with Lard...ha) He's in wonderful hands in CCI's transition home..and I'm so thankful for all their constant hard work AROUND the clock to nurse him back to health!! These are some wonderful, loving people caring for my boy!!!
**And, after Friday's good news...well..I felt I could finally sleep (and yall know I only sleep a few hours a night anyways..so being up all night during those few hours...left me dragging last week :) So, I feel VERY blessed to have this little guy in our life..even if he's still across the world!! He's a wonderful blessing that's ALREADY teaching me lessons in FAITH, TRUST and HOPE!! The adoption journey is definitely a spiritual journey!! We love you little Wes..and can't wait to have you home some day!!! :) Oh, and all my paper work reached Ethiopia..the dossier didn't need ANY changes...Yayyyy.....and praying we'll be submitted to court soon!! Will keep you updated...Happy Monday to you all, kj