Hi All!!! I'm determined to help my sister, Kelly, wrap up this HOUSE PROJECT she has thrown herself in the middle of RIGHT BEFORE SHE LEAVES FOR AFRICA!! So, I've had several requests for "specifics" that are still needed to complete this HOME RENOVATION!! You can read my LAST post to get updated...and to see the video my sister put together about helping rebuild this elderly, blind couple's house that was destroyed in the great Nashville flood!! Please let me know if you have anything on the list you'd like to donate...AND....I had many people ASK if they could just buy a gift card or give a monetary donation..and yes...you can do that too if you feel led!! You can read more about it by visiting www.ordinaryheroblog.blogspot.com
***Here's the LIST:
1. TV Cabinet: DONATED..thanks so much!
2. 2 recliner/lazy boy type chairs for these Senior Citizens to sit in
3. House Coats for Ms. Mary...hers had to be thrown away..She wears the type from Sears that snap up the front..and size Medium
4. Open toed slippers
5. Grandfather clothes: size 13 shoe, 38 pants, XL shirt
6. Towels and wash rags
7. pots and pans
8. glasses or cups
9. coffee maker
10. over the toilet standing storage rack
11. Charcoal grill (grandpa used this a lot...it was destroyed...it was a large oval shaped one)
12. refrigerator
13. TV
14. bath soaps, lotions or candles for the bathroom
15...Any connection to ANYONE that could install new railings for the front porch...the others have fallen in and they need something to hold on to when going up and down the stairs..it isn't safe with out railings...they previously had a rod iron railing type of thing!!
16. curtains and curtain rods
***Ordinary Hero has already gone over budget and has run out of money for this project...so anything that can be donated will help complete the project!! Anything NEW or USED is welcome!!
Thanks everybody for your help on this project!! I know everyone involved is greatly appreciative!! You can contact me at weloveourlucy@gmail.com if you have something to donate...Or you can contact my sister at kelly@ordinaryhero.org too!!!! Happy Sunday to you all, kj
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