But she always gets over things quickly..and decided hangin on to my leg was BETTER AFTER ALL!! :)

Oh, that was until a kind, fair carnival guy felt sorry for her and let her ride for free one time!!! Ok, so I thought she was too young...but obviously i was wrong..and she had a blast...but then I had to take her off the thing....MAD AGAIN!!! :)

I even ran into one of my friends from home that adopted Internationally too!! So fun!! We had to grab a pic of our girls that are the exact same age and came home about the same time too!!
****Now for the CONVERSATION OF THE YEAR!!!! It was SO FUNNY to see how the young kids reacted to having LL on my hip walking around the fair!! It was the 10 to 13 year old African American children (both boys and girls ) that just couldn't help themselves and would have to come up to me and ask me about LL
...My favorite conversation went something like this: (standing in line for a ride) Young girl with many of her friends standing with her says: "is that your baby?"
me: "yes, she's mine"
girls and boys chime in: "She don't look nuttin like you...She don't look like you AT ALL!!! "
me: "oh, i think she does..I think she looks just like me"
kids: "nu uh...no way she looks like you...she don't look nuttin like you"
me: "oh, i think we look a lot alike" (me trying not to crack up)
boy: "well, she did get your eyes, but THAT'S IT!! " :)
me: "yay, but I think she got more than just my eyes"
boy: (he leans over to talk softly) : " Is her Daddy REAL DARK?"
me: (ok , i bust a gut laughin) : "All right..i'll stop messin with yall...I adopted her"
kids: "ADOPTED???? "
me: " yes, adopted her!" ( i go on to explain where she is from, etc. )
girl: "You mean, you went all the way to Africa FOR HER??? "
me; "uh, yes..I think she was worth it"
girl: "yes, she's cute and I like her bow...but while you were there...why didn't you get you a WHITE baby?"
me; "ummm. because it is Africa, there aren't any white babies"
girl: "oh, I didn't think of that"
me: "and I think brown is pretty..I like her color...I'm glad she is brown"
kids all together: "OH, YEA, BROWN IS PRETTY...Uh, huh...she's pretty...she's a nice brown!" :)
So, that was it..I educated a few more groups of children that were brave enough to come up and chat....Such a funny thing...and that's why i love kids...cause they'll just come up to ya and ask ya WHAT EVERY ONE ELSE THERE IS THINKIN!! :) And, i've had SO MUCH fun tellin that story for the past couple of weeks!! Priceless!! :)
**Attack chickens and great conversations...not sure HOW our fair here in Tennessee can quite compare...but it is comin up in August and I can't wait!! :) Happy Monday to you all, kj