Well..things have certainly MOVED fast since I last posted...In one day we were told I would have to have another night in ICU...to them changing their mind and sending us to a regular room where I got to hold my baby boy for the first time in days....We certainly enjoyed our stay in our regular room on the "critical care" floor...it felt like a fine hotel compared to ICU!!

My kids got to visit us...friends came by..I could eat in the room and I just sat around holding my little man WHOSE personality and energy was coming back fast.....We even went and visited my friend Gwen and Maggie down the hall....they had head surgery too by the same surgeon...we've been friends for years..such a cool coincidence that we were there together:

We had a good night....and my boy was up early wanting to walk the hall ways...He still had IV's in each foot so they didn't want him walking on those legs quite yet..but it was HARD to keep him still...He was eating and laughing and having a GREAT time....it was a REMARKABLE turn around:

Then...one team came in to evaluate him saying we should get out on time on Thursday...a few hours passed..then a second team came by to say they thought he had progressed enough to go on HOME!!! HUH?? I was shocked to say the least...we had just been in ICU the day before...but they said he met all the requirements:
He was up and moving on his own
He was keeping down bottles and solids
His personality was back
His blood work finally came back as NORMAL
No more fever
He didn't need his pain meds anymore
AND...he was trying to climb out of the bed..which wasn't safe...SO..they said we could do the REST of our healing at home..and they sent us home...seriously...I was shocked..but OH SO HAPPY:

He still has LOTS of swelling and that will be around for a while...but there was nothing more they could do at the hospital..so we came home 3 days early...WOW...I know it was ALL the prayers..he did a complete turn around in about 12 hours!!
**Being home is certainly NOT EASY...but still OH SO GLAD to be here!! Wow...I am the Helicopter Parent if there's ever been one!! I have to keep one hand on him at all times MAKING SURE he's not falling and bumping his head....He was never very stable before surgery..but he was still walking full time and falling about 10X a day....NOW his head is still swollen and it is making walking even that much harder..SO..I walk behind him holding on to him to make sure he NEVER falls...Yes, my back hurts and i'm exhausted...but Praising God he's home and this will some day be all behind us:

So, we're 5 days out of surgery..and my baby boy certainly feels back to his old self EVEN IF he has LOTS of swelling to still lose....

He's back to laughing all the time...we climbed up and down the stairs more times today than I can count...He's giving me kisses all the time and we have certainly made up for those awful days where I couldn't hold him!! :)
*So, we have a two week period now where he can't go into public settings...the risk of infection is too great. He can't get his head wet for 2 weeks..and he can't sweat either cause that would cause moisture all around his incision area too...SO, we're stuck inside for a while..which is O.K....I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually!! :)
*I can't thank you ALL enough for your prayers during this scary and emotional time!! If it didn't invade my son's complete privacy I'd post the pics right after surgery JUST 5 days ago next to those TODAY!! God certainly does HEAL...that is for sure!! My baby boy has come a long way in 5 days and I can't thank you all enough for the support and comments and emails and around the clock prayers!! Thank you, thank you!!
Additional Prayers: praying against infection..and praying that THIS surgery heals my son and no other surgeries are required...there is the small chance that he may need additional surgeries...Oh, it would break my heart...praying THIS ONE did the trick!! And, praying he doesn't hurt or bump his head during this healing period...I'm a nervous wreck with all the little children running around that he's gonna get hurt..praying for his safety too!!
**I'll give another update soon...my boy STILL must sleep in a car seat for a while to keep himself from rolling or being flat...so I don't have much peace or many breaks right now since he wakes about every 30 minutes and has to be consoled since he HATES the car seat!! :) Be back soon.... So thankful to have this surgery OVER!!! God is Good!! Happy Tuesday to you all, kj