* 3 weeks ago this past Monday....I became the OFFICIAL Momma to this precious boy waiting on us in Ethiopia:

* 2 weeks ago TODAY...his birth certificate arrived and OH!! WHAT A SWEET CELEBRATION that was to see HIM with the same LAST NAME as ours!!! LOVED IT!!
* 1 week ago TODAY...we were submitted to the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia for CLEARANCE to leave and pick up our precious son...HAPPY HAPPY DAY!
*Our agency is GREAT with communication and got back with us TODAY as soon as they heard word from the embassy....
*It's a NO GO!!! :( OUR U.S. Embassy has requested some extra "stuff" before they'll ALLOW our guy into the good old U.S.A!! :(
* Yes, I'm bummed...cause I have NO IDEA how long it will take to GET WHAT THEY WANT!!
*This is VERY routine these days.... Every few cases they CALL an investigation on...We're NOT completely under investigation...just requiring a few extra steps to MAKE THEM HAPPY!!
*So, we WAIT SOME MORE!!! I completely trust and love our agency...they will give them what ever it is they want AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!! Unfortunately the U.S. requires this sort of thing from ALL agencies ALL the they are very use to this type of NO GO!!
*So....Please join us in PRAYING that this doesn't delay us THAT LONG!! This Momma's heart REALLY thought I was leaving this weekend...And, I would have been IF this hadn't come up...Several friends of mine got they WILL be leaving this weekend...and MORE GOOD NEWS: They'll be able to love on our boy for us!!
**I refuse to "cry in my cheerios" (yet :)...Our adoption of sweet Wes has gone so smoothly and so quickly and easily so far...that I KNOW I'M BLESSED!! He's WORTH every road block...this just happens to be the FIRST one we've come across....So, as badly as I want him HOME...I'm trusting that God has a bigger plan here!! :) We are very blessed...We are very blessed...
**I'll keep yall updated as things progress...WE SO APPRECIATE YOUR PRAYERS FOR THIS TO BE RESOLVED QUICKLY!! :) Happy Thursday to you all, kj