WHAM.....in an instant..the pain is gone and right before your eyes STANDS A MIRACLE!! Two children brought out of the depths of loneliness to a family waiting with open arms...It is a beautiful sight to see:

You can read ALL about Gwen's journey to Uganda by visiting her blog at www.oatsvallteam.blogspot.com!! Welcome home Joseph and Daisy!! We're so glad you are finally home SAFELY with your forever family!!! Praising God for His Faithfulness!!
Happy Wednesday to you all, kj
Love, love, love these pictures! I'm so excited that those two sweeties are FINALLY home & with their forever family! :) Thanks for posting these pictures.
ReplyDeleteOh, I am so glad they are home! Thanks for the update... I have been going to Gwen's blog daily to find out when they were coming home. I'm a little out of the loop over here in SE Missouri!! Looks like they had a record-breaking welcome! Your pictures are awesome and, as always, Lucy Lane is adorable as ever!
what a joyous homecoming! i teared up when i saw josie love's beautiful eyes!!!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful!! 2 more precious children...HOME!! SO happy for them! It looks like it was a really fun night welcoming them home at the airport! Can't wait to see some big welcome home parties like that here in Mississippi!
ReplyDeleteI would love to be a fly on the wall of one of those airports during a homecoming!
ReplyDeleteSo glad they're home! I've been following there story for what seems like forever!
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord. Would have LOVED to have been there to welcome them home. I am coming in August for a shower for Corinne, we need to plan a get together. Moody is coming too. :)
ReplyDeleteStreaming tears of joy for sweet friend Gwen. I can hardly wait to see them in person. We arrive home on July 2nd. Let me know when we can get together!
ReplyDeleteLove & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Kristi, please check out our Ethiopian cross necklaces that we are selling to raise money for our two trips to Ethiopia to bring home our baby girl. Thanks for all of your tips...love the new Adoption Rocks tee. Hope you are enjoying your summer...
ReplyDeletecan't wait until it's our turn !!
ReplyDeletejust makes your heart do flips to see a family united!!
Crying my eyes out......I have loved following their story! God is sooo good :)
ReplyDeleteI have been praying so much for them!! It's soooo exciting! FANTASTIC!!